Info for Employers
The Center is here to connect you with students, alums, faculty, and staff to make a difference in your organization.
The Center ensures students build career skills and gain real-world experience through internships, research, volunteering, and other hands-on opportunities. We support students and alums in marketing those skills in resumes and during interviews. By partnering with us, you can tap into a pool of motivated students who want to learn and contribute to your company's success.
There are several ways to connect with students and alumni, from career and internship fairs to Eagle CareerNet or having a class tackle real-world problems as a project. Your participation helps students prepare for their careers while offering you fresh talent and innovative ideas. We can help you customize your organization's strategy to build a campus presence.
MSU ranks among the South's best regional public universities for its commitment to student success, scholarship, and service, so you can be assured that you'll work with qualified individuals.
Career Fairs
These biannual, all-major events allow you to interact directly with hundreds of potential candidates.
Real-World Experience
Learn about internships, research projects and other opportunities.
Become a Sponsor
Sponsor the Center to promote your brand on campus.
Recruit an Eagle
We aim to help you connect with potential employees, digitally and in person.
Post full-time positions, internships, and volunteer opportunities on Eagle CareerNet for free. Create an account to review and accept applicants, assess resumes, schedule on-campus or virtual interviews, and communicate with candidates. You can also share opportunities on our LinkedIn group.
There are numerous opportunities to network with students on campus:
- Participate in events and workshops
- Provide resume reviews and practice interviews
- Host information sessions
- Connect with faculty and staff at meet and greets.
- Speak to a campus club or organization.
- Engage with our students at our etiquette networking dinner
- Distribute flyers for events
The Center can also schedule a virtual information session or promote open houses and recruitment events. To connect with Eagles, you can also use our social media platforms.
Career Events
Contact Us

Center for Career Development & Experiential Education
Ground floor, Camden-Carroll Library
150 University Blvd.
Morehead, KY 40351
PHONE: 606-783-2233