BA in Philosophy (math minor) (2004), City University of New York and Hunter College
Courses Taught
First Year Seminar: Puzzles, Paradoxes and Games (FYS 101)
First Year Seminar: Winnie the Pooh and Buddha Too (FYS 101)
Beginning Philosophy: (PHIL 100)
Beginning Logic: (PHIL 106)
Social Ethics: (PHIL 203)
Philosophy of the Arts: (PHIL 308)
Special Topics: Philosophy of Quantum Mechanics (PHIL 399)
Special Topics: Philosophy and Science Fiction (PHIL 399)
Special Topics: Puzzles, Paradoxes and Games (PHIL 399)
Philosophy of Science: (PHIL 400)
Symbolic Logic (PHIL 412)
Metaphysics: (PHIL 420)
Epistemology (PHIL 430)
Special Problems: Advanced Topics in Logic (PHIL 476)
Special Problems: Aesthetics (PHIL 476)
Senior Seminar (PHIL 499c)
American Philosophical Association
Southwest Philosophical Association
Philosophy of Science Association
Kentucky Philosophical Association
Southwestern Philosophical Association
American Association of Philosophy Teachers
American Association of University Women
Forthcoming. “Everettian Actualism”. Studies in the History and Philosophy of Modern Physics. DOI: 10.1016/j.shpsb.2017.09.010.
Forthcoming. “Off-Belay: The Morality of Free-soloing” (with Dr. Gina Blunt Gonzalez, Associate Professor of Exercise Science, Morehead State University). Sports, Ethics & Philosophy: Journal of the British Philosophy of Sport Association. DOI: 10.1080/17511321.2017.1375001.
2016. “Branch-Relative Identity”. InIndividuals Across the Sciences. Edited by Alexandre Guay and Thomas Pradeu. Oxford University Press: New York. Chapter 13.
2016. “Everettian Interpretations of Quantum Mechanics”The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
2012. “The Relative Facts Interpretation and Everett’s note added in proof”.Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics” 43: 112-120.
2011. “On Lim On Kim”.Southwest Philosophy Review27, 2: 19-22. Comments on 2011. Lim, Daniel. “Exclusion, Overdetermination, and Vacuity”.Southwest Philosophy Review27, 1: 57-64.
2008. “No Lacuna and No Vicious Regress: A Reply to LePoidevin”.Acta Analytica23, 4: 367-72.