Degrees, Licensures and Certifications: B.S., Biology, Stephen F. Austin State University; Ph.D., Microbiology, Texas A&M University
Research Interests: Watershed monitoring and remediation.
Dr. Gearner's current research interest is in the area of molecular monitoring of antibiotic-resistant bacteria and Escherichia coli (E. coli) host source tracking in the Triplett Creek Watershed in Rowan County, Kentucky. In addition to assessing the occurrence and density of E. coli through the watersheds, Gearner's lab is utilizing repPCR to produce DNA fingerprints of E. coli isolates in an effort to determine the host sources of bacterial contamination. His research is also exploring the use of antibiotic resistance genes as markers of watershed contamination. Presently, research is underway in the Dry Creek Watershed and Triplett Creek Watershed. Both of these interdisciplinary projects will involve developing watershed plans for the purpose of selecting appropriate best management practices to address the impairments.
Selected Publications
2007. Reeder, B.C., A. Haight, G.W. Gearner, J. Newton, D.P. Smith, E. Schuler, C. Richardson, T. Skaggs, T. Nolan, T. Platt, K. Lamb, E. Lotton, M. Armstrong, S. Adkins, M. Bowlds, M. Chafins. Surface Water Contamination: Third World Conditions in the Heart of Appalachia. Proceedings of the American Institute of Biological Sciences Meetings, Washington D.C. May 2007.
2007. Reeder, B.C., A. Haight, G.W. Gearner, J. Newton, D.P. Smith, E. Schuler, C. Richardson, T. Skaggs, T. Nolan, T. Platt, K. Lamb, E. Lotton, M. Armstrong, S. Adkins, M. Bowlds, M. Chafins. Surface Water Contamination: Third World Conditions in the Heart of Appalachia. Proceedings of the American Institute of Biological Sciences Meetings, Washington D.C. May 2007.
2003. Gearner, G. W. 2003. Biomimicry. The American Biology Teacher 65: 715-716.