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- Mark A. Graves
Mark A. Graves
- Ph.D. in English (1992), Bowling Green State University
- M.A. in English (1988), Bowling Green State University
- B.A. in English (1986), Bowling Green State University
Teaching Specializations & Courses Taught
- Specializations: American literature, Literature of the American South, film studies, composition
- ENG 663 - American Fiction
- ENG 661 - Studies in American Literacy Periods
- ENG 624 - American Writers in Perspective
- ENG 495 - Seminar: Major Writers (Henry James/Wharton)
- ENG 463 - American Fiction
- ENG 422 - Studies in American Literature to 1900
- ENG 365 - Literature of the American South
- ENG 342 - American Literature Since 1865
- ENG 341 - American Literature to 1865
- ENG 200 - Writing II
- ENG 100 - Writing I
- FLM 270 - Film History
- FLM 170 - Introduction to Film
Dr. Mark Graves has been a department faculty member since 1999 as an instructor, assistant professor, associate professor (tenured 2010), and rising to the rank of professor in 2018. He teaches American literature survey courses and the Literature of the American South and upper-division and graduate courses in American fiction, American Literary Naturalism, and Southern women’s literature. He contributes to the University’s film studies minor by teaching introductory and film history courses, and he regularly instructs the two-course general education writing requirement. Currently, he serves as the Coordinator of General Education Writing, and he mentors in excess of forty instructors who teach college-level writing through MSU’s Eagle Scholars program. In addition to membership on a number of University- and College-level committees over the years, he is in his first term as the Department of English’s faculty senator.
In addition to numerous conference presentations, Dr. Graves has published essays and book chapters on Ellen Glasgow, Josephine Winslow Johnson, and literature of the First World War in national and regional publications, and he is currently the editor of "The Ellen Glasgow Journal of Southern Women Writers," the official publication of the Ellen Glasgow Society. His book-length publications include "George Kelly: A Research and Production Source Book" (Greenwood, 1999), "The Encyclopedia of American War Literature" (edited with Philip K. Jason; Greenwood, 2000), and "Blockbusters: A Reference Guide to Film Genre" (with F. Bruce Engle; Greenwood, 2006).
Selected Recent Scholarly Contributions
- Guest editor, "The Ellen Glasgow Journal of Southern Women Writers." Special Issue on Glasgow’s "Virginia". Vol. VI, 2014-2015.
- “Ellen Glasgow’s Gothic Heroes and Monsters.” "The Palgrave Handbook of the Southern Gothic," edited by Susan Castillo Street and Charles. Palgrave-Macmillan, 2016, pp. 352-363.
- “Regional Insularity and Aesthetic Isolationism: Ellen Glasgow’s "The Builders" and the First World War.” "The Southern Literary Journal", vol. 44. No. 2, Spring 2012, pp. 19-37. (Journal renamed "The South")