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- Brooks Kohli
Brooks Kohli
Degrees, Licensures and Certifications: B.S. Biological Sciences, Environmental Studies Certificate, Ohio University; M.S. Biology, University of New Mexico; Ph.D. Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of New Hampshire
Research Interests: Community ecology, biogeography, functional and phylogenetic diversity, especially of mammals. Much of my recent work has focused on understanding how mammalian diversity changes along elevational gradients in mountains in the Great Basin (Nevada) and around the world.
I have broad interests in the community ecology, biogeography, and conservation biology of mammals. For my research, I combine data generated from field inventories, museum specimens, and trait databases to describe and document small mammal diversity and distributions. I use these data to test ecological theories about the drivers of diversity patterns at various scales and to address contemporary conservation issues. I'm especially interested in applying new approaches that quantify multiple dimensions of biodiversity (e.g. functional and phylogenetic diversity) to better understand community dynamics and diversity gradients. I have also gained broad experience through several fish and wildlife technician positions with government agencies, from Washington state to Massachusetts, and participating in field expeditions to places such as Nevada, Alaska, and Panama. In simpler terms, being an ecologist and mammalogist means I get to do what I love: work in stunning ecosystems, study fascinating animals, and contribute to our understanding and preservation of the natural world.
- Kohli, B.A., R.D. Stevens, E.A. Rickart and R.J. Rowe. (2021). Mammals on mountainsides revisited: trait-based tests of assembly reveal the importance of abiotic filters. Journal of Biogeography 48:1606-1621.
- Kohli, B.A. and M.A. Jarzyna. (2021). Pitfalls of ignoring trait resolution when drawing conclusions about ecological processes. Global Ecology and Biogeography 30: 1139-1152.
- Colella, J.P., R.B. Stephens, M.L. Campbell, B.A. Kohli, D.J. Parsons and B.S. McLean. (2021). The Open-Specimen Movement. BioScience 71:405-414.
- Kohli, B.A. and R.J. Rowe. (2019). Beyond guilds: The promise of continuous traits for mammalian functional diversity. [Editor’s Choice]. Journal of Mammalogy 100: 285-298.
- Kohli, B.A., D.A. Charlet and R.J. Rowe. (2019). Small mammal communities in Nevada’s Swamp Cedar woodlands, a globally unique and imperiled habitat [Issue Cover]. The Southwestern Naturalist 64: 1-7.
- Kohli, B.A., R.C. Terry and R.J. Rowe. (2018). A trait-based framework for discerning drivers of species co-occurrence across heterogeneous landscapes. [Editor’s Choice]. Ecography 41: 1921-1933.
- White, M.M., B.A. Kohli, and P.E. Converse. (2018). Historical and contemporary gene flow and the genetic structure of muskellunge in the Ohio River drainage. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 147:1067-1077.
- Kohli, B.A., V.B. Fedorov, E. Waltari and J.A. Cook. (2015). Phylogeography of a Holarctic rodent (Myodes rutilus): testing high-latitude biogeographical hypotheses and the dynamics of range shifts. Journal of Biogeography 42: 377–389.
- Kohli, B.A., K.A. Speer, C.W. Kilpatrick, N. Batsaikhan, D. Damdinbazar and J.A. Cook. (2014). Multilocus systematics and non-punctuated evolution of Holarctic Myodini (Rodentia: Arvicolinae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 76: 18-29.