Student Success
MSU police offer campus safety tips

“It is not uncommon to see an increase in crime at this time of year,” said MSU Police Chief Merrell J. Harrison. “On the campus, everyone is busy with the end of the year activities and fail to adhere to the safety rules that they usually follow.”
Purses, wallets, cell phones, iPods and textbooks are among the items that are reported missing most often.
Students, as well as faculty and staff, are urged to take all necessary measures to secure and protect personal belongings in residence halls, offices and vehicles, in addition to office equipment and other vulnerable items.
According to MSUPD, always be on the lookout for suspicious activity.
“We want to remind you to take the extra time to secure items in the trunk or under the seat before leaving your automobile,” Chief Harrison said. “The threat of a break-in is reduced if your belongings are not visible. Remember to lock your vehicle before leaving it in the parking area.”
University police remind students to also practice safety in the residence halls:
- Make sure your door is locked when leaving your room, even if you are only going next door. It takes less than 10 seconds for a thief to enter an open room and steal property.
- Do not leave messages on phones or computer accounts, indicating how long you will be away or when you expect to return.
- Follow the safety in numbers rule when going out at night and arrange to go with friends/roommates. It is a good practice to scan your surroundings whether walking on campus, traveling by automobile or enjoying a shopping excursion. Call and request the MSU student shuttle at 606-783-TRIP (7 p.m. until 1 a.m.) to get a ride from outlying parking lots to your residence hall.
- Follow the safety in numbers rule when going out at night and arrange to go with friends/roommates. It is a good practice to scan your surroundings whether walking on campus, traveling by automobile or enjoying a shopping excursion.
- Download for free and utilize the LiveSafe Mobile App from the Apple iTunes or Google Play. The LiveSafe campus safety app enables a two-way communication system between students and campus officials.
- Sign up for safety and weather alerts by text message via e2campus.
- Do not leave valuables or property (purses, backpacks, books, personal identification, etc.) visible in or around the office or living area.
- Keep emergency numbers by the phone. Call 911 to report any suspicious person or activity.
- Take the time to be aware of your surroundings and any unusual activity.
- Wear seatbelts, it’s the law and it could save your life.
- Do not drink and drive.
Additional information is available by calling the MSU Police Department at 606-783-2035 or visit us at or