Administration and Leadership
MSU Board of Regents announces presidential candidate visit

“The Presidential Search and Screening Advisory Committee completed its work and recommended to the Board two outstanding candidates,” said Paul C. Goodpaster, Chair of the Board of Regents. “The Board extended invitations to campus to the two finalists; however, one of those declined to continue in the process. We are enthusiastic that Dr. Morgan will be visiting with our campus and community and have been impressed not only with his qualifications and credentials but also with his vision for MSU.”
Dr. Morgan currently serves as the chief academic officer and vice president for academic affairs and student success for the Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education. He provides leadership for statewide academic affairs, curriculum and programming, academic strategic planning, academic legislative and policy development, admission and enrollment requirements, diversity programming, student success/college readiness initiatives, e-learning, competency-based education, program evaluation and assessment, professional school contract placement, research and innovation, and federal and state grant administration.
Morgan holds a B.S. degree in agriculture science and business, and an M.S. in agriculture science from Murray State University. He earned his Ph.D. at Oklahoma State University in agricultural education.
Prior to Morgan’s stint at the CPE, he served at Murray State University in a number of roles including provost and vice president for academic affairs, associate provost for graduate education and research, graduate program coordinator, and professor. He began teaching at Murray State in 1997 in the Hutson School of Agriculture.
Morgan also served as the faculty regent at Murray State from 2007-10 and contributed service to a number of university committees and community organizations.
A schedule for the visit will be made available once details are finalized.