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BOR holds quarterly meeting

Morehead State University’s Board of Regents received news of the enrollment for the 2017 Fall Semester during its quarterly meeting, Thursday, Sept. 28.

Regents were informed that preliminary enrollment for the fall is 10,394 students. Included in the total were 1,269 first-time freshmen and 2,700 Early College Program students.

The board also ratified the University Diversity Plan and the revised 2018-24 Capital Plan.

Dr. Carol Christian, director, presented the spotlight on the Craft Academy for Excellence in Science and Mathematics.

MSU president Dr. Jay Morgan recognized Dr. Edna Schack, professor of education and co-director of MSUTeach, and Dr. Scott Niles, research integrity and compliance director, for their hard work and dedication to the University.

The board approved a revision to the Morehead State University Police Department Standard Operating Procedures Manual and Student Conduct Code.

The Regents also heard reports on real property leases, personal services contracts and ratified personnel actions.

Dr. Morgan asked the board to approve the Order to Dispose of Property relating to the razing of six properties including Blair House, Phillips House and the Alumni Center located on University Street, Bell House and Brumagen House located on University Boulevard and the Honors House located on Elizabeth Street. Employees and offices will be relocated in other existing facilities on campus.

Razing the properties will reduce the square footage maintained by the University, ultimately reducing utilities and maintenance and operating costs. The planning for relocations will begin immediately.

Due to the current economic situation in Kentucky and the implementation of performance funding, Jim Shaw, CEO of the MSU Foundation, asked the board for their concurrence to redirect the proposed Alumni and Welcome Center project. With donor approval, contributions will be used for student scholarships and for comparable naming rights within the Adorn Doran University Center.

The board requested President Morgan and his administrative team to make personnel and operating adjustments of approximately 7.5 percent of the University’s current year budget by Jan. 1 so that the University is well-positioned to meet the changing environment within higher education in Kentucky. The repositioning also will move additional funds into scholarships and areas for performance funding.

The next quarterly meeting will be Thursday, Dec. 7.