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Run with a Pup to be held April 11

Run with a Pup posterThe second annual Student Government Association (SGA) Run with a Pup will be held Thursday, April 11, at 5 p.m. 

The event is open to MSU students, faculty and staff and members of the community, and will start on the lawn of the Adron Doran University Center (ADUC). Sign-ups and registration will be held at the event. Participants are encouraged to bring along their four-legged friends for the race. In addition to the race, there will be a raffle with prizes donated by area businesses. 

The race course will go through campus and serves as a fundraiser and donation drive for the Tri-County Animal Shelter. Participants are encouraged to bring items such as leashes, collars, food and dog toys, which will be collected and donated to the shelter. Also, the SGA is holding a Twitter challenge fundraiser. Each time the SGA’s tweets about the event are retweeted, the organization will donate $1 to the shelter. 

“This is an event open to all students as well as the community of Morehead to demonstrate the growing relationship between the University and the town as well as giving back to the Tri-County Animal Shelter. Come on out and support the dogs and the people running with them,” said SGA Vice President for Campus Involvement Andrew Sexton.  

For more information about the SGA at MSU, visit, email or call 606-783-2071.