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MSU Move-In Days scheduled for Aug. 15-16

Morehead State will welcome first-year students to campus for the fall semester on Thursday and Friday, Aug. 15 and 16.   To help move-in run efficiently and smoothly, the Office of Student Housing has established a schedule and process for first-year students to move into the residence halls. Visit for the complete schedule, parking map and details.    

On move-in day, students will need to know their hall and room assignments. Please check your MSU student email for this information. Students should check in at the parking lot on the U.S. 60 bypass according to the schedule below. You must arrive at your designated time. Early or late arrivals will have to wait.    

Coming to college can sometimes be a difficult transition and Russell Mast, vice president for student affairs at MSU, said Move-In Days shows students that while they may be going away from their immediate family, they are joining a new one. 

“The theme for move-in this year is ‘One Eagle Family.’  We have planned activities, programs and services to assist in the transition to college life,” Mast said. “We are One Eagle Family, always there to assist another Eagle when in need.” 

The entire family may want to participate in Move-In Days. However, please be mindful that there will be limited parking and a strict schedule. Visit the Move-In Days website to print out belonging tags to label all your items. Students will be led to the residence halls for move-in and provided with time to unload. Then, vehicles must move to parking lots. Student volunteers will be available to help unload and move belongings to your room.  

MSU shuttle buses will provide transportation to and from parking lots and residence halls.  

Faculty and staff volunteers will be on hand to welcome students and families, direct traffic and answer questions.   

“It’s the highlight of our year at the Office of Student Housing to welcome thousands of students and to showcase our halls, our staff, hundreds of our student volunteers, and our countless campus partners coming together to make the move-in experience an exciting and enjoyable day,” said Alan Rucker, director of housing and residence education at the Office of Student Housing. “It’s our chance to show new students and their families that MSU is a supportive place full of people ready to help their student succeed.” 

 Move-In Days schedule:  

 Thursday, Aug. 15 – First-Year Student Move-In Day 1  

  • 9 a.m. - Mignon Tower (Floors 3, 8, 11, 14)  
  • 10 a.m. - Mignon Tower (Floors 5, 7, 10, 13) and Alumni Tower (all floors)  
  • 11 a.m. - Mignon Tower (Floors 4, 6, 9, 12), East Mignon (Floors 2, 3, 5) and Andrews Hall (all floors)  
  • 4 p.m. - East Mignon (Floors 1, 4, 6)  

 Friday, Aug. 16 – First-Year Student Move-In Day 2  

  • 9 a.m. - Cartmell Hall (Floors 4, 8, 12, 16) and Nunn Hall (Floors 1, 4, 7)  
  • 10 a.m. - Cartmell Hall (Floors 3, 7, 11, 15) and Nunn Hall (Floors 2, 5, 8)  
  • 11 a.m. - Cartmell Hall (Floors 2, 6, 10, 14), Nunn Hall (Floors 3, 6, 9) and West Mignon Hall (all floors)  
  • Noon - Cartmell Hall (Floors 1, 5, 9, 13) and Fields Hall (all floors)  
Upperclassmen may move in beginning Saturday, Aug. 17, and continue throughout the weekend.   

Parts of campus will be closed to through traffic during move-in, including direct access to the Recreation and Wellness Center. Drivers should make alternative arrangements for driving and parking during move-in.  

The first day of classes for the fall semester is Monday, Aug. 19.   

For more information, visit or call the Office of Student Housing at 606-783-2060.   

Follow @moreheadstate on Twitter and Instagram for updates throughout Move-In Days.