Administration and Leadership
Board of Regents holds special meeting

During the Audit Committee meeting, regents voted to reapprove the use of the University’s auditing firm and audit price and approved the minimum scope of the audit for the current fiscal year, which ends June 30. During the quarterly meeting, the board voted to approve the actions of the Audit Committee.
Also as part of the full board meeting, the regents ratified personnel actions; approved policy revisions and Faculty Promotions and Tenure; voted on approval of a graduate tuition adjustment in the Volgenau College of Education; affirmed the 2020-24 University Technology Plan; and approved the modified pass/fail policy. The board also approved the second quarter financial report and the amended operating budget.
For social distancing related to our national health concerns, and for this special occasion, the special called meeting was conducted via WebEx video and audio teleconference. The special called meeting complied with all requirements of the Kentucky Open Meetings Act and other statutes, as well as guidance provided by the governor and attorney general.
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