College of Business and Technology
Professor Steve Chen and grad student Michael Simmons publish article in 'Future Focus'

The article, "A recreation department's response, and resolution to COVID-19 pandemic," addresses how recreation and fitness sectors were impacted by the outbreak of COVID-19 and described how the Recreation, Parks and Cultural Activities (RPCA) department of Alexandria, Virginia, operated its facility with proper emergency responses and best practice. Simmons is the park operation manager for the Alexandria RCPA.
"Mr. Simmons was very happy about being able to share his expertise and knowledge with recreation/wellness professionals and offer the best practices to serve clients during the COVID pandemic. Honestly, we are a little surprised about some reviewers' skepticism about our emphasis on the effectiveness of social distance and mask-wearing," Chen said. "However, the chief editor and the majority of the reviewers were able to value our insights and agree to publish our work. I think the main contribution of our article is to precisely document the exact operational process of a recreational center under a public health crisis."
View the article at
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