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Dr. González-Espada participates in Air Force fellowship program

wilson-gonzalez-espada.webpDr. Wilson González-Espada, professor of physics and science education at Morehead State, was selected to participate in the 2023 Summer Faculty Fellowship Program (SFFP) at the U.S. Air Force Academy (USAFA).   

This is the fifth year González -Espada has participated in the fellowship. Under the topic of Improving Performance and Retention in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM), González-Espada worked on two projects in collaboration with Maj. Daniel O'Keefe, Ph.D., Maj. Louis J. Cascino, Maj. Christopher M. Francis, Lt. Col. David Meier, Ph.D., and Dr. Kimberly de La Harpe from the Department of Physics & Meteorology at the USAFA.   

González-Espada is one of 240 faculty and graduate students representing 122 academic institutions nationwide in research topics relevant to the Air Force Office of Scientific Research interests (AFOSR).  

The first project González -Espada was involved in was the statistical analysis of surveys completed by 136 cadets interested in STEM majors in high school or as first-year students but who eventually declared non-STEM majors. The second project is the development of the Survey of Meteorology Concepts (SMC), a valid and reliable instrument for identifying persistent misconceptions in meteorology among USAFA cadets and pre-service teachers completing an earth and space course required for Praxis II and teacher certification.    

"I have been able to contribute to STEM education as a discipline through publications, professional presentations, advising young physics faculty at USAFA, and providing the Academy with data-driven recommendations to improve cadet education from the viewpoint of someone who is not in the military," González-Espada said.  

"I feel fortunate that I could assist them in improving the education and training of future Air Force officers through my expertise in STEM education. It is a personal satisfaction that they want to continue collaborating with me. I encourage MSU faculty, especially tenure-track colleagues, to explore research opportunities with the Air Force Research Lab Summer Faculty Fellowship Program."   

To learn more about González-Espada’s work, email or call 606-783-2927.  

For information about MSU's Department of Physics, Earth Science and Space Systems Engineering, email or call 606-783-2381. 

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