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Macie Lowe hired as KAC arts program administrator  

embedded-news-macie-lowe.webpMacie Lowe (Class of 2023) recently took on an administrative role with the Kentucky Arts Council (KAC). KAC hired Lowe for its arts program administrator (grant manager) position where she will assist the program directors with the several grants the council offers. Lowe's other responsibilities include data entry, panels, application assistance, and record retention.  

Lowe earned a Bachelor of Arts in Art and was an Undergraduate Research Fellow for two years with the Golding-Yang Art Gallery on campus. She also contributed a design to the 18-panel Morehead Rotary Club mural on the side of the Local Taco restaurant in downtown Morehead.  

Her time at MSU sparked an interest in a career in arts administration. This past summer, Lowe completed an internship fellowship with the Gateway Regional Arts Center (GRAC) in Mt. Sterling.  

Professor of Art Lisa Mesa-Gaido was one of Lowe's instructors who recommended her for the GRAC internship.  

"Macie took advantage of so many opportunities while a student and recent grad to prepare herself for the Kentucky Arts Council position - taking studio and art history classes, working in the Golding-Yang Gallery as an Undergraduate Research Fellow, interning at the Gateway Regional Art Center, and volunteering to promote art in her community," Mesa-Gaido said. "Her working for the Kentucky Arts Council is an incredible accomplishment. Macie's passion for the arts and the vital role it plays in communities will benefit the entire Commonwealth."  

Lowe said she hopes to utilize her Morehead State experience in her new role, helping artists of the Commonwealth complete their grant applications so they have "the support to express their various cultures and backgrounds through art."  

"MSU helped me realize my passion in many ways. From having the opportunity to work in the gallery through my Undergraduate Research Fellowship, I was able to be exposed to arts administration and all the opportunities to support artisans and makers that come with that," Lowe said. "The professors in the art department were the most supportive people. They truly rooted for my success and gave me tools to become the artist I am today."  

Learn more about programs in MSU's Department of Communication, Media, Art & Design by emailing or calling 606-783-2457.

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