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PSE-11 Extra Compensation

Policy: PSE-11
Subject: Extra Compensation
Approval Date: 07/01/85
Revision Date: 06/22/90; 08/08/19
Last Review Date: 08/08/19


To outline procedure and establish guidelines for determining circumstances under which extra compensation is payable to staff exempt employees for extra non-continuing assignments.


This policy is not utilized for determining compensation when an individual is appointed in an "acting" capacity. 


A staff exempt employee, by nature of his/her position, is considered to be available for work assignments without additional remuneration at times other than his/her regularly scheduled hours and appointments. However, there are circumstances under which it is in the University's interest to utilize such personnel for extra assignments with additional remuneration.


The determination of those unusual circumstances in which extra assignments and compensation are appropriate will be the responsibility of the staff member's supervisor in consultation with the Director of Human Resources. 


The following general guidelines will apply:

  • The duties to be performed should be clearly differentiated from the types of duties the individual normally performs.
  • The additional duties should not be performed on a continuing basis.
  • The work must not be performed during the approved work schedule of the individual nor should it in any way impair the ability of the staff member to carry out his/her regular responsibilities.
  • If the additional duties performed are teaching duties, no more than two 3-credit hour courses (or their equivalent) should be taught in a fiscal year.  Exceptions to this limitation must have the approval of the supervising Vice President(s), or in areas without a Vice President, the senior ranking officer reporting to the President.
  • The work should not be performed for the supervisor for whom the staff employee regularly works. In those cases in which the work is in the same area, prior approval is required by the supervising Vice President, or in areas without a Vice President, the senior ranking officer reporting to the President.
  • Coordination with and approval of the staff member's supervising Vice President, or in areas without a Vice President, the senior ranking officer reporting to the President, must be effected prior to the staff member participating in or receiving compensation from a project managed by another University fiscal unit. 


Any employee involved in an activity that may result in extra compensation and that cannot be performed within the guidelines stated above, may request a leave of absence without pay or request vacation as prescribed in PG-9.

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