Celebration of Student Scholarship
Initiated in the Spring of 2006, MSU’s Annual Celebration of Student Scholarship (CoSS) is a day-long showcase of student work involving research, scholarship, creative work and performance arts. Students in all disciplines can choose oral or poster presentations and be judged.
All undergraduate and graduate students are invited to participate. Undergraduate Research Fellows are expected to present their research. In addition, CoSS welcomes submissions that reflect experiences of undergraduate study, community engagement, internships, education abroad, or Level UP experiences.
Date: Wednesday, April 16, 2025, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Adron Doran University Center (ADUC).
If you want more information, contact the Coordinator of Undergraduate Research.
Writing an Abstract
An abstract is a concise statement of the significant elements of a research project and/or scholarly work. It should contain:
- An introduction
- A purpose, objective or hypothesis
- The results of the project are if they are complete
- Conclusions drawn from what was learned
- Should be written in the past tense (with the understanding that at the time of submission, your work may still be in progress)
- Avoid technical jargon and define all abbreviations
- Use of the term "we" rather than "I"
Please note when submitting an abstract, there is a limit of no more than 200 characters for the title. The body of the abstract is limited to 250 words.
- Celebration Oral Presentation Rubric
- Celebration Poster Presentation Rubric
- Institutional Review Board (compliance and guidance for using humans as research subjects)
- Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (compliance and guidance for using animals as subjects in research, testing and teaching)
- Poster Setup and Printing
Visit the Scholarworks archive to view posters from past years.
Career Events
Contact Us

Center for Career Development & Experiential Education
Ground floor, Camden-Carroll Library
150 University Blvd.
Morehead, KY 40351
EMAIL: careerservices@moreheadstate.edu
PHONE: 606-783-2233