Policy: PAc-1
Subject: Definition of Academic Titles
Approval Date: 07/01/85
Revision Date: 05/12/95; 03/13/2009; 08/08/2019
Last Review Date: 08/08/19; 08/09/2024
To describe the academic titles and the qualifications necessary for appointments or promotion to them.
In assessing candidates' credentials for personnel actions, the University will accept only those degrees earned at institutions in the United States that have been accredited by regional higher education accrediting associations and professional accrediting associations (in disciplines in which such accrediting takes place) or foreign degrees that have been earned at institutions recognized by their respective governments. These earned degrees are the only ones that the University will acknowledge for appointment, determination of rank, or subsequent personnel decisions. Further, misrepresentation of such information by an individual can be cause for termination of employment.
The terminal degree will be considered an earned doctorate from an accredited institution in the individual's teaching field as recognized by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. Exceptions will be those non-doctoral degrees considered to be terminal degrees by discipline-specific accrediting bodies recognized by the Commission on Recognition of Postsecondary Accreditation (CORPA).
The minimal criteria set forth for these ranks should not be interpreted as an exclusive set of conditions to be met or so rigidly applied as to prevent the appointment or promotion when an individual submits an approved record of outstanding professional experiences and demonstrated contributions to the teaching field in lieu of formal academic preparation. These criteria may be supplemented by departmental and/or college requirements agreed upon by the faculty of the department and colleges. Deans and/or Department Chairs/Associate Deans must inform faculty members and the University Faculty Promotion Committee of all supplemental requirements for promotion.
These following ranks are recognized by the University.
- Lecturer. This title is used for appointments of nonregular faculty members who teach on a temporary or ad hoc basis, or if on a continuing basis, for less than full-time. The minimum qualification is a master's degree with 18 graduate semester hours in the teaching field or an approved record of outstanding professional experience and demonstrated contributions to the teaching field.
- Instructor. This title is for an individual whose primary responsibility is teaching with a service component related to student success comprising 15% of their duties, e.g. tutoring, assessment, advising, leading student travel, advising student organizations, assisting students in creative and scholarly works, involvement in QEP courses, formal university recruitment of students, or other student success activities as deemed appropriate by the department chair. The minimum qualification for this fixed-term, non-tenurable faculty rank is a master's degree with at least 18 graduate semester hours in the teaching field or an approved record of outstanding professional experience and demonstrated contributions to the teaching field.
- Senior Instructor. This title is for an individual whose primary responsibility is teaching with a service component related to student success comprising 20% of their duties, e.g. tutoring, assessment, advising, leading student travel, advising student organizations, assisting students in creative and scholarly works, involvement in QEP courses, formal university recruitment of students, or other student success activities as deemed appropriate by the department chair. The minimum qualification for this fixed-term, non-tenurable faculty rank is a master's degree with at least 18 graduate semester hours in the teaching field or an approved record of outstanding professional experience and demonstrated contributions to the teaching field. In addition, to excellent teaching, Senior Instructors must also exhibit a meritorious annual service component related to student success or student involvement on an on-going basis.
- Visiting Assistant Professor. The terminal degree in the teaching field is expected for this fixed-term, non-tenurable faculty rank. In addition to teaching duties, Visiting Assistant Professors will be expected to perform service related to student success comprising 15% of their duties, e.g. tutoring, assessment, advising, leading student travel, advising student organizations, assisting students in creative and scholarly works, involvement in QEP courses, formal university recruitment of students, or other student success activities as deemed appropriate by the department chair. Scholarship is encouraged but not required for this rank.
- Assistant Professor. The terminal degree in the teaching field is expected for this rank. Assistant Professors are expected to engage in scholarship and service in addition to their assigned teaching duties.
- Associate Professor. The Associate Professor shall possess the terminal degree in the teaching field, and if the rank is granted upon appointment, there must be evidence of scholarly, artistic, or professional achievements. Consistent with PAc-2, this rank will be awarded to assistant professors who successfully complete their probationary periods and achieve tenure.
- Professor. The terminal degree in the teaching field is required, and if the rank is granted upon appointment, there must be evidence of scholarly, artistic, or professional achievements. This rank should be reserved for persons of proven stature in their fields. When considered for promotion to this rank, a faculty member must meet the criteria required in PAc-2.
A Clinical Faculty Appointment is used for current or former staff employees of external clinical affiliates associated with such programs of study at the University. A clinical assistant, associate or professor appointment is a part-time or full-time non-tenure track appointment opportunity for faculty with a discipline that has clinical or practice-oriented terminal degrees. Examples could include nursing, veterinary medicine, medicine, law/legal, the arts, education, etc. Clinical appointments shall teach full-time and have service components assigned by the department chair/associate dean but are not required to conduct research unless embedded within a specific job description.
Visiting appointment titles are used to designate individuals from other institutions or employees who are employed either full-time or part-time for a limited period of time. The titles used for these visiting appointments will be determined by the academic unit and approved by the Provost.
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