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PAd-8 Search and Screening Procedures for Senior-Level Academic Administrative Personnel

Policy: PAd-8
Subject: Search and Screening procedures for Senior-Level Academic Administrative Personnel
Approval Date: 04/30/93
Revision Date: 09/15/05; 08/08/19
Last Review Date: 08/08/19


To outline the search and screening procedures to be used when filling senior-level academic administrative personnel positions.

 Senior-level academic administrative positions including:
Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
All Associate/Assistant Provosts
Other Academic Administrators who report directly to the President or Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
The President and the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs shall establish search committees when filling vacancies in senior-level academic administrative positions for direct reports.
The size and make-up of each committee will be determined by the President or Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs as appropriate, depending upon the nature of the position to be filled and must have a minimum of 5 members. However, each such committee shall have a majority of faculty members and at least one staff member and one student included in its composition.
If the position is to be a Dean of a College, the faculty members selected are to be from that college and be representative of as many of the various departments in the college as possible.
If the position is to be Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs, the Associate/Assistant Provosts, or a similar position, each college is to have an equal number of faculty members on the committee.
Upon request, the Faculty Senate shall provide a list of faculty members from which the President shall select the faculty members of the search committee. The Staff Congress shall submit a list from which the President shall select one. The Student Government Association shall provide a list of students from which the President shall select one.
Other members of the committee shall be designated by the President.

The Office of Human Resources shall act in an advising role to the search and screening committee.
As defined in the University Affirmative Action Plan, the Affirmative Action Officer shall be responsible for monitoring the entire search and interviewing process to ensure affirmative action, equal opportunity, and adherence to public policy.
When a senior-level academic administrative position becomes vacant, the President shall establish a search committee.

In conjunction with the search committee, the Director of Human Resources shall prepare the recruitment and advertisement copy for the search, keeping in mind the University's commitment to affirmative action and equal employment opportunity.

Advertisements shall be placed by the Office of Human Resources and responses are received and acknowledged by the Office of Human Resources.

The resumes of all candidates shall be reviewed and evaluated by all members of the search committee.

The committee shall submit to the President the names of candidates for consideration for interview.

The President shall select from the list those candidates to be invited for interviews by the committee, the President, and any others designated by the President. The President may request the committee to submit additional candidates to be interviewed.

Following the interviews, the committee shall recommend a list of qualified candidates.

The President shall select the final candidate from that list or direct that the search be re-opened and extended.

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