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PG-56 Emergency Operations and Communications Plan

Policy: PG-56
Subject: Emergency Operations and Communications Plan
Approval Date: 02/26/99
Revision Date: 08/08/19
Last Review Date: 08/08/19


To provide the University with guidelines for the protection of its faculty, staff, students, and physical assets from fire and/or explosion; severe weather; bomb threats; accidents, injuries or serious illness; power failure; chemical, biological or radiological problems; civil disturbance, campus demonstrations or harmful rumors; and other activities that are disruptive in nature.

To establish an effective communications plan to both disseminate accurate information regarding campus emergency situations and ensure that inquiries are referred to appropriate sources.


It is the policy of Morehead State University to establish, maintain, annually review and approve, and disseminate a plan defining a continuity of leadership and authority, and procedures, for addressing each type of campus emergency situation. It is recognized that the effectiveness of the Plan is dependent upon the full and rapid response of all University personnel to any emergency situation.


The President shall develop a process by which administrators, including all appropriate unit directors from all Divisions within the University, have input in defining and updating an "Emergency Operations and Communications Plan" for the University.

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