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Faculty Promotion Committee

Revision Date: Standing Committee, last revision April 1994.

Purpose: To review, at the University level, faculty credentials applicable to the awarding of promotion according to PAc-2 and the granting of emeritus status according to PAc-3.

Membership: Voting membership of the committee shall consist of one faculty member from each college and five additional at large faculty members, selected by the Faculty Senate from the tenured, full time faculty. Membership shall include both males and females. No two representatives from the same department shall serve on the committee at any one time. Committee members shall be full professors. In the event that full professors are unavailable, associate professors may serve. Term of service shall be three years, with one-third being replaced each year. A member may not hold successive terms. Members shall be selected by the Faculty Senate by May 1 of the prior academic year. No person shall serve on the University Promotion, Tenure, or Faculty Rights & Responsibilities Committees at the same time, or on the Department, College, and University Promotion Committees at the same time.

Duties and Responsibilities:

  • To conduct the University level faculty review of the portfolios of candidates for academic promotion.
  • To conduct the university level review for the granting of emeritus status for faculty.
  • To review the University's academic promotion policy and to recommend changes.
  • The Committee shall operate in accordance with procedures outlined in PAc-2 and PAc-3.

Officers: Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary to be selected by the committee from the membership.

Frequency of Meetings: As required. Promotion review at the University level is normally conducted in the Spring semester.

Reporting Channels: Recommendatory to the Provost. Recommended changes in policies and procedures shall be reported to the Faculty Senate.

Minutes and Proposals Copied to: The Library, Faculty Senate, Student Government Association, and Staff Congress. (Published minutes should protect the confidentiality of faculty.)

Support Services: Office of the Provost.


The procedure for resignation from a University Standing Committee is written notification to the University Standing Committee chairperson, Faculty Senate secretary, and the faculty member’s Department Chair. Without a University Standing Committee Chairperson, the notification may be sent to the Faculty Senate secretary and the faculty member’s Department Chair.

  • Stacy Baker At Large 2023-2026
  • Doug Chatham At Large 2023-2026
  • Denise Watkins At Large 2024-2026
  • Lola Aagaard At Large 2024-2027
  • Jennifer Birriel At Large 2024-2027
  • Steve Chen CBT 2022-2025 CHAIR 2024 
  • Sara Lindsey VCOE 2022-2025
  • Timothy Hare 2023-2027, Sue Tallichet substitute 2024-2025 due to sabbatical
  • Allen Risk COS 2022-2025

* All 1 year terms end Aug. 15 of each fiscal year.

Contact Information

Faculty Senate

Brenda Dehart, Faculty Senate ADS
111 Breckinridge Hall
Morehead, KY 40351

PHONE: 606-783-2134