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Teacher Education Committee

Revision Date: Standing Committee, last revision September 2000, December 2009.

Bylaws: Morehead State University views teacher education as the responsibility of both the College of Education and the academic disciplines in the other colleges. Every faculty member who teaches prospective teachers, no matter what his/her discipline, should see teacher education as a significant part of his/her responsibilities. In addition, every academic department outside the College of Education that has programs leading to teacher certification should have at least one faculty member who is formally designated as a "content-based teacher educator" and who is responsible to keep his/her department abreast of issues of pedagogy and licensure. The office of the Dean of the College of Education will maintain a list of these content-based teacher educators and will actively seek to keep them informed about teacher education issues.

Teacher Education Advisory Committee

Purpose: To provide a forum where a representative group of teacher educators from the professional education unit, public schools, community colleges, and regional communities meet to discuss and/or communicate ideas, needs, and proposed changes regarding the educator preparation programs at Morehead State University.

Meetings: The Teacher Education Advisory Committee will meet when there are issues, idea, or proposed changes to be shared and discussed by stakeholders. Regional meetings will be called by the Dean of the College of Education, as needed. The Advisory Committee shall meet at least once a year.

Membership: Membership shall consist of, at least one, representative from each of the following: the Professional Education Unit, public school administrators, public school teachers, the regional community colleges, and a community member. The Dean of the College of Education will seek nominations for the public school and community representatives and will appoint Professional Education Unit representatives based on input from the other MSU Deans. The intention is to ensure that representation from appropriate stakeholder groups is in attendance at called meetings.

Teacher Education Council

Purpose: The Teacher Education Council (TEC) is the governing body of teacher education at MSU. The purpose of the TEC is to recommend requirements that govern Morehead State University Teacher Education Programs, to advise appropriate units of the University of teacher education policies, and to provide leadership in early childhood, elementary, middle, 5-12, P-12 and secondary education reform.

The bylaws provide a framework for the deliberations and actions of the Teacher Education Council. The bylaws establish rules for notification and conduct of meetings, the selection of officers, and set forth the committee structure under which the Council operates.

Teacher Education Council Bylaws

Article I: Name

The governing committee for teacher education at MSU shall be called the Teacher Education Council.

Article II: Operating Authority

The primary operating authority for Teacher Education Council actions comes from the Faculty Senate of Morehead State University. On matters of curriculum, it is advisory to the appropriate curriculum committee and the Provost. On matters of teacher education program policies and admissions, it is advisory directly to the Provost.

Article III: Duties and Responsibilities of the Teacher Education Council

  • Section 1. Adopt and publish educational goals for teacher education;
  • Section 2. Approve proposed additions, deletions, and/or modifications in teacher education courses and programs;
  • Section 3. Establish and publish the policies for admission and retention in teacher education and for admission and retention in professional laboratory experiences;
  • Section 4. Perform all duties specified by National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) and the Educational Professional Standards Board.
  • Section 5. Determine that program review documents, proposals, and changes have been considered by the appropriate departments and are in alignment to meet and/or exceed requirements of the Educational Professional Standards Board.
  • Section 6. Inform all new members of the policies and procedures of the TEC;
  • Section 7. Make all curriculum recommendations through the Undergraduate or Graduate Committees to the Provost;
  • Section 8. Approve all candidates for admission to the Teacher Education Program

Article IV: Membership of the Teacher Education Council

Section 1. Voting membership shall consist of:

  • (a) Four (4) public school practitioners;
  • (b) Two (2) students
  • (c) Twelve (12) faculty members involved in teacher education from across disciplines (See Section 5 below.)
  • (d) Chair (or his or her designee) of the Department Chair's Forum
  • (e) The Dean of the College of Education (who will vote only if necessary to break a tie).

Section 2. Non-voting, ex-officio membership shall consist of:

  • (a) The Director of the Educational Services Unit
  • (b). Coordinator of Clinical Practice
  • (c). Coordinator of Internships and Field Experience
  • (d). University Undergraduate Teacher Certification Officer and Coordinator of TEP Admission
  • (e). University Graduate Teacher Certification Officer
  • (f). College of Education Associate Dean
  • (g). Teacher-in-Residence
  • (h). Chair (or his or her designee) of the Faculty Senate
  • (i). Department Chairs of Department of Early Childhood, Elementary, and Special Education; Department of Middle Grades and Secondary Education; and Department of Foundational and Graduate Studies;
  • (j). One administrative representative of the Master of Arts in Teaching Programs
  • (k). One director from an MSU regional campus

Section 3. The practitioners (one elementary teacher, one middle school teacher, one high school teacher, and one principal) shall be selected by the Dean of the College of Education The term of service shall be three (3) years.

Section 4. The two (2) students, one undergraduate student who must have been admitted to the Teacher Education program and one graduate student, shall be selected by the Dean of the College of Education in consultation with college deans and the president of the Student Government Association. Students shall serve a one-year term and be eligible for reappointment.

Section 5. The members from university faculty will be selected by the Teacher Education Faculty from each college with representation as follows: one (1) from the Elmer R. Smith College of Business and Technology, three (3) from the Caudill College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences (at least 1 from an 8-12 program and 1 from a P-12 program), three (3) from the College of Science and Technology (2 from an 8-12 and/or 5-12 program and 1 from a P-12 program), and five (5) from the College of Education. The College of Education shall have one (1) faculty member involved in preparing early childhood educators; one (1) faculty member involved in preparing Early Education (P-5) teachers; one (1) faculty member involved in preparing special education teachers; one (1) faculty member in preparing Middle Grades and Secondary Educators; and one (1) faculty member from Foundational and Graduate Studies in Education department. These members shall serve three year terms and may serve consecutive terms.

Section 6. All terms shall begin on September 1 and end on August 31.

Section 7. Duties and Responsibilities of the Regular TEC Members

(a) Systematically elicit faculty input on issues related to teacher education.

(b) Report actions taken by the Teacher Education Council to respective constituents.

(c) Submit items to the TEC chair for the agenda

(d) Participate in discussions-giving information, raising questions, etc.

(e) Vote

(f) Designate a substitute representative when unable to attend a scheduled meeting

Section 8. Duties and Responsibilities of the Ex-Officio TEC Members - Provide information and clarification on an on-going basis as it relates to policies and procedures that affect teacher education.

Section 9. Duties and Responsibilities of Guests of the TEC

(a) Substitutes for regular members will have the same privileges as regular voting members.

(b) Other guests will be invited to provide information as needed.

Section 10. Disruption of Term/Resignation

A council member who is unable to complete his/her term shall give written notice to the chair of the TEC who shall oversee an election or appointment of a new member (as appropriate) to fill out the remaining term. An officer who is unable to complete his or her term shall give written notice to the Chair of the TECH who shall oversee an election or appointment of a replacement (as appropriate) to fill out the remaining term.

Section 11. Period of Absence.

A council member, who by reason or regularly assigned University responsibilities will be unable to attend Teacher Education Council meetings for up to one semester, shall give written notice to the chair of the TEC, who shall appoint another person with the consent of the TEC Membership’ from the same constituency to serve as a replacement during the period of absence.

Article V: Meetings of the Teacher Education Council

Section 1. Meetings shall be scheduled monthly during the fall and spring semesters each academic year. The first meeting of the academic year shall be set at the last meeting of the spring semester and disseminated to the members of the Council before the beginning of the fall semester. Special meetings may be called by the chair with no less than two weeks notice.

Section 2. Two absences in one semester without substitute representation will result in termination of membership. The chair shall notify the Council member of the termination of membership. The member may appeal the termination, for sufficient cause, to the total Council.

Section 3. A quorum (50 percent plus one) shall be necessary to approve any motions before the Council.

Article VI: Officers of the Teacher Education Council

Section 1. The Dean of the College of Education shall serve as chair. The Council shall elect a vice chair in odd years and a secretary in even years. The term of office for vice chair and secretary is two years.

Section 2. Duties and Responsibilities of the officers of the TEC


  • (i) Share updated list of members with Professional Education Unit, Department Chairs, Deans, and Academic Affairs Officers (See Section VIII)
  • (ii) Set the meeting agenda and distribute meeting documents (see Section VIII)
  • (iii) Distribute the approved minutes (See section VIII)
  • (iv) Preside over the TEC Meetings
  • (v) Preside over TEC Executive Committee Meetings
  • (vi) Appoint and charge committee chairs
  • (vii) Serve as liaison and spokesperson for the TEC
  • (viii) Communicates/reviews responsibilities of members and officers
  • (ix) Conduct elections
Vice Chair
  • (i) Preside over TEC meetings in the absence of the chair
  • (ii) Serve as member of the TEC Executive Committee
  • (iii) Serve as ex-officio member of the Admissions Committee
  • (c) Secretary
  • (i) Keep the minutes of the TEC meetings
  • (ii) Take attendance at the TEC meetings
  • (iii) Prepare and distribute meeting packets prior to the TEC meetings
  • (iv) If there are no nominations for the office of secretary, the TEC chair may appoint a council member or a non-member with the approval of the TEC to fill this position.
  • (v) Serve as a member of the TEC Executive Committee.

Article VII: Committees of the Teacher Education Council

Section 1. Executive: The Executive Committee shall consist of all elected officers and chairs of the four standing committees (admissions Bylaws, Assessment Management, and Clinical Practice). The Executive Committee will review and vote on all requests for waivers of the requirements for Admission to the Teacher Education Program or for eligibility for Clinical Practice. All waiver decisions will be reported to the Council at the next scheduled meeting.

Section 2. Admissions: The Admissions Committee shall consist of two faculty members, two public school practitioners, and the Coordinator of Teacher Education Program Admissions. The purpose of this committee shall be to review and monitor guidelines and make further recommendations for admission requirements to the Teacher Education Program. The vice chair of the TEC shall serve as ex-officio member of the Admissions Committee.

Duties and Responsibilities of the Admissions Committee

  • (i) Submit the list of applicants to the Teacher Education Program in writing from the Educational Services Unit; the list will be voted on in total by the TEC by a yea or nay vote.
  • (ii) Submit the list of applicants to the Teacher Education Program for voting in November for the fall semester and in April for the spring semester.
  • (iii) Submit a supplemental list of applicants to the Teacher Education Program in writing for approval by the TEC on an as-needed basis.

Section 3. Bylaws. The membership of the Bylaws Committee shall consist of three Teacher Education Council members. The purpose of this committee shall be to annually review and recommend proposed changes to the Bylaws of the TEC, using the chain of approval: TEC Bylaws Committee, Teacher Education Council, Faculty Senate-Governance Committee, Provost, President, and Board of Regents.

Section 4. Ad-hoc Committees. Ad-hoc committees shall meet as often as required to accomplish their specific goals. Ad-hoc committees may be formed and appointed as necessary by the chair of the TEC.

Section 5. Committee Chairs. Committee chairs are appointed by the chair of the TEC to serve for a period of one year and may be re-appointed for a second term. The committee chairs serve as members of the TEC Executive Committee.

Section 6. Assessment. The Assessment Management Committee which is comprised of the Assistant Dean of the College of Education, NCATE Chair, Director of the Educational Services Unit, Certification Officer of the Educational Services Unit, and one Director of a Regional Campus, will present recommendations to the members of the Teacher Education Council for consideration.

Section 7. Clinical Practice. The membership of the Field Experience/Clinical Practice Committee shall consist of the Director of the Educational Services Unit, the Chair of Early Childhood, Elementary, and Special Education Department, the Chair of the Middle Grades and Secondary Education Department, Coordinator of Field Experiences, one public school representative, two teacher education program students, and two Teacher Education Council members with clinical supervision experience. The committee will meet once each semester to review data/information regarding field experience/clinical practice and make recommendations to the Teacher Education Council as appropriate.

Article VIII: Communications

All information is to be distributed to:

  • (a) Members of the TEC,
  • (b) Members of the Professional Education Unit,
  • (c) Department Chairs,
  • (d) College Deans, and
  • (e) Academic Affairs Officers
  • Article IX: Amendment of Bylaws

Amendment of articles to the bylaws shall require a two-thirds majority of the voting members of the Teacher Education Council and approval up the chain of approval as noted in Article VII Section 3 above.

A hard copy of all official actions of the Teacher Education Council shall be archived in the Office of the Dean of the College of Education


The procedure for resignation from a University Standing Committee is written notification to the University Standing Committee chairperson, Faculty Senate secretary, and the faculty member’s Department Chair. In the absence of a University Standing Committee Chairperson, the notification may be sent to the Faculty Senate secretary and the faculty member’s Department Chair.

  • Steve Stubbs, CBT*, 2020-23
  • Michelle Paise, CCAHSS - P-12*, 2020-23, Vice-Chair
  • Allison Hruby, CCAHSS - 8-12*, 2018-21
  • Susan Hawkins, CCAHSS - P-12 or 8-12*, 2020-23
  • Robert Boram, COS - 8-12 or 5-12*, 2020-23
  • Geoff Gearner, COS - 8-12 or 5-12*, 2018-21
  • Josh Qualls, COS - P-12*, 2018-21
  • Chris Beckham, COE - FGSE*, 2018-21
  • Rebecca Roach, COE - ECESE - P-5*, 2018-21
  • Mee Ryoung Shon, COE - ECESE - Early Childhood*, 2020-23
  • Sherry Stultz, COE - ECESE - Special Education*, 2019-22
  • Sandra Riegle, COE - Middle & Secondary*, 2019-22
  • Joyce Stubbs, Chair of Chairs Forum*, By Position
  • TBD, Public School - Elementary*, 2018-21
  • TBD, Public School - Middle*, 2018-21
  • Sean Jackson, Public School - High*, 2018-21
  • Sean Bailey, Public School - Principal*, 2018-21
  • Jerry Dalrymple, Undergraduate Student**, 2018-19
  • VACANCY, Graduate Student**, 2018-19
  • VACANCY, Vice Chair (elected in odd years)***, Non-Voting, Ex-Officio
  • Leah Rucker, Coordinator of TEP Admissions, Non-Voting, Ex-Officio
  • Susan Maxey, University Graduate Teaching Certification Officer Non-Voting, Ex-Officio
  • Alicia Day, University Undergraduate Teaching Certification Officer, Non-Voting, Ex-Officio
  • Marian Sims, COE, MAT Representative, Non-Voting, Ex-Officio
  • Lesia Lennex, Faculty Senate President Proxy, Non-Voting, Ex-Officio
  • Nancy Preston, Regional Campus Director, Non-Voting, Ex-Officio
  • VACANCY, Community College, Non-Voting Ex-Officio
  • Kristie Williams, Assessment Administrator, Non-Voting Ex-Officio
  • Greg Wilcox, Secretary, (elected in even years)***, Non-Voting Ex-Officio

*These members shall serve three-year terms and may serve consecutive terms (with the exception of those terms by position). All terms begin Sept. 1 and end on Aug. 31. Voting members are expected to be in attendance at all TEC meetings either in person or via a WebEx meeting. When unable to attend, it is the voting member's responsibility to designate a proxy and notify the TEC Secretary who that proxy will be. The member is expected to vote. In the voting members' absence, their proxy will vote instead. The voting member or proxy is expected to participate in the meetings and report actions taken by the TEC to his/her respective constituents. Please refer to the TEC Bylaws for more details on your responsibilities.

**These members shall serve a one-year term and be eligible for reappointment. All terms begin Sept. 1 and end on Aug. 31. Please refer to the TEC Bylaws for more details on your responsibilities.

***These members shall serve a two-year term. All terms begin Sept. 1 and end on Aug. 31. Please refer to the TEC Bylaws for more details on your responsibilities.

Contact Information

Faculty Senate

Brenda Dehart, Faculty Senate ADS
111 Breckinridge Hall
Morehead, KY 40351

PHONE: 606-783-2134