Undergraduate Curriculum Committee
Revision Date: Standing committee, last revision April 2011.
Purpose: To examine and evaluate all undergraduate curricular offerings, except general education offerings, and to review and recommend policies and regulations about the undergraduate curriculum to initiate improvements and maintain high academic quality.
Membership: Voting membership of the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee shall consist of two faculty members from each college selected by the Faculty Senate. At least one faculty member shall be a Faculty Senator, but Faculty Senators should not hold a majority of faculty membership on the committee. The Student Government Association will select two student members: the Registrar (ex officio, non-voting), the Dean of Library Services or their designee, and the Associate Provost Undergraduate Education and Student Success. The faculty members shall serve two-year terms, with one member of each college being replaced yearly. The student members shall serve one-year terms.
Duties & Responsibilities:
To examine and evaluate the University's undergraduate academic programs for necessary revisions and to initiate suggestions for study or action by the colleges and/or departments.
To receive and review proposals for new curricular programs, new majors, minors, course sequences, courses, and changes in course offerings, which the appropriate college curriculum committee and dean have approved.
Coordinate and promote the activities of the college curriculum committees.
Review and recommend policies, standards, and regulations for undergraduate academic programs and admissions.
Officers: Chair - the Associate Provost of Undergraduate Education and Student Success, who shall vote only in case of a tie; and a Vice Chair elected by the committee.
Frequency of Meetings: Twice monthly when curricular proposals are ready for review.
Reporting Channels: Recommendatory to the Provost. Recommended changes in policies and procedures shall be reported to the Faculty Senate.
Minutes & Proposals Copied to: The University Archives in the Library, Faculty Senate, Student Government Association, Staff Congress, the Registrar, and the Vice President for Student Affairs.
Support Services: The Associate Provost of Undergraduate Education and Student Success office shall provide administrative support.
The procedure for resignation from a University Standing Committee is written notification to the University Standing Committee chairperson, Faculty Senate secretary, and the faculty member’s Department Chair. Without a University Standing Committee Chairperson, the notification may be sent to the Faculty Senate secretary and the faculty member’s Department Chair.
- Thomas Pannuti, at-large, CBT, 2024-2026
- Patricia Harrelson, at-large, COS, 2024-2026
- Lynn Barr, COE, 2024-2026
- Smita Josha COS 2024-2026
- Brady Lawson, Student, 1-year term
- Thomas Clem, Student, 1-year term
- Kerry Murphy, Registrar, Ex officio
- Chris Schroeder, Interim Associate Provost Undergraduate Education and Student Success, Chair
- Pamela Colyer, Dean of Libraries or Designee, Position Filled
- Fei Jia, CCAHS, 2023-25
- Kouroush Jenab, CBT, 2023-25
* All 1-year terms end Aug. 15 of each fiscal year.
Contact Information
Faculty Senate
Brenda Dehart, Faculty Senate ADS
111 Breckinridge Hall
Morehead, KY 40351
EMAIL: b.dehart@moreheadstate.edu
PHONE: 606-783-2134