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Licensure Disclosure


Graduates from the Morehead State University Department of Nursing are prepared to apply for RN licensure upon graduation; however, educational preparation does not guarantee professional licensure. If you have questions regarding Kentucky RN licensure, please contact the Kentucky Board of Nursing (KBN). For RN licensure questions in other states, please contact the respective state board of nursing at

We cannot guarantee that all students CAN sit for licensure – that is a KBN decision or any state board of nursing decision. This is particularly important for students with offenses on their background checks. We vetted this through legal & KBN.

Any student with an offense on background check must sign a letter of understanding about the differences in education (DN) and licensure (KBN). There are some clinical sites that prohibit students with certain offenses. We have to track and work with program coordinators if any students have clinical site limitations.

Contact Information

Department of Nursing

201 Center for Health, Education and Research
316 W. Second St.
Morehead, KY 40351

PHONE: 606-783-2296
FAX: 606-783-9104