Intelligence Studies Certificate

Pursue intelligence-based careers in the military and government
24 Credit Hours Undergraduate Certificate, 12 Credit Hours Graduate Certificate
What You’ll Learn in the intelligence studies certificate program
Choose from one of several international and intelligence-related curriculums and take advantage of hands-on learning opportunities to prepare yourself for one of many intelligence careers.
What You Can Do with an intelligence studies certificate
Use your newly acquired knowledge to be better prepared for careers in the military, government agencies and nonprofit agencies.
What makes morehead state's program different
This certificate is offered collaboratively by the Bluegrass State Intelligence Community Center of Academic Excellence, which includes Eastern Kentucky University, Kentucky State University and Morehead State University. The Bluegrass State Intelligence Community consortium was formed to address the urgent need to increase the number of students from Kentucky and nearby states prepared for intelligence careers.
The consortium offers:
- International and intelligence-related studies curriculums.
- Operates an Intelligence Scholars Program to prepare students for intelligence careers.
- Provides opportunities for students to participate in study abroad, international exchange, advanced language instruction and intelligence-related internships.
- Advances faculty and student research on intelligence topics; hosts an annual intelligence studies workshop.
- Conducts outreach to inform students of intelligence missions and career opportunities.
Admission to the intelligence studies certificate program
Follow the standard undergraduate application process.
Undergraduate Certificate
There are 24 hours required for the Undergraduate Certificate in Intelligence Studies and it is open to students in all majors. The certificate requires a grade of "C" or better in 12 hours of required intelligence courses and 12 hours within a single option.
Graduate Certificate
There are 12 hours required for the Graduate Certificate in Intelligence Studies. The certificate requires a grade of "C" or better in 12 hours of required intelligence courses.
Program Requirements (Intelligence Studies Graduate Certificate):
- GOVT 620 International Relations 3
- PA 641 Ethics in Public Administration 3
- PA 680 Homeland Security 3
- PA 686 Intelligence Analysis 3
Total Certificate Hours: 12
program options
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Courses & Info
View Academic CatalogDepartment of History, Philosophy, Politics, Global and Legal Studies
Learn MoreContact
Department of History, Philosophy, Politics, Global & Legal Studies
354 Rader Hall
Morehead, KY 40351
PHONE: 606-783-2655
FAX: 606-783-5096