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After You're Accepted - What's Next

Congratulations on being accepted to Morehead State University. Follow the checklist below to ensure you are prepared for your first semester.

You should receive your official acceptance letter with your MSU ID number. Your MSU ID is important for all services on campus.

Confirm your enrollment by paying your enrollment fee of $75 to guarantee your place in the next class of Eagles.

Confirm Your Enrollment

If you have questions or require assistance completing the online enrollment confirmation and fee payment, please contact us at 606-783-2000 or email

If you have AP credit to apply to your transcript, please complete the AP/IB Credit Application. For questions about qualifying, contact the Testing Center at 606-783-2526.

If you require academic accommodations, please contact Disability Services as soon as possible.

Once accepted, you will receive an email with your username (Eagle ID). It will be in this format:

Eagle ID:

You will also receive a separate email with further steps on creating your account, including setting up your new password. Check your spam or junk folder in case this email gets filtered as spam.

Your Eagle account is a one-stop location for email, financial aid, billing, Blackboard, and other student services. You should check your account regularly. Please click the link below for step-by-step directions on how to activate your account.

Activate Account


If you need assistance, please call the IT Helpdesk at 606-783-4357 or submit a ticket for assistance with your account.

You may also schedule a time for one of our representatives to call you to assist with MSU account activations and access. You must provide a telephone number and a non-MSU email to submit a support request.


Check your MSU email account at least once weekly to stay updated on campus events and upcoming deadlines. You can access your MSU email account at

Complete your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) as soon as possible. You will need to complete a new FAFSA each year you attend school. For financial aid questions, please call 606-783-2011 to speak with a financial aid counselor.

Explore Scholarships

If you are awarded one of MSU’s scholarships, you must accept/decline your scholarship(s).

Admitted students: You will receive an email when you need to accept your scholarships. Please be sure to check your email regularly for this email and do not attempt to accept scholarships until you receive this notification.

View Instructions

All students MUST accept a Financial Responsibility Agreement and pay their balance in full or enroll in a payment plan to activate their meal plan and BeakerBUCKs, to allow textbook charges at the University Bookstore, and to prevent the cancelation of their class schedule. If you need assistance, contact Student Billing.

Accept your Financial Responsibility Agreement

If you fall below the ACT College Readiness Requirements, schedule a placement test with our Testing Center. You must complete placement testing before attending Student Orientation, Advising and Registration.

View the course placement chart 

At Student Orientation, Advising & Registration (SOAR), you will:

  • Receive your Fall course schedule.
  • Choose your meal plan. Meal plan options will be available for review in mid-February.
  • Accept your Financial Responsibility Agreement.
  • Take your EagleCard photo and receive your card. Your EagleCard holds your student account and financial information.

To prepare our students for the best possible success in and out of the classroom, students under 21 years of age and taking courses at the main campus must live on campus for four semesters to fulfill the residency requirement.

The housing application for the fall term is open now. Reserve your spot now!

Apply for Housing



After you attend SOAR, sign up for a payment plan.

If you plan to bring a car to campus, you must purchase a vehicle pass. Order your pass through MyMoreheadState.

View Parking Info

A residency application demonstrates your residency status for admission and tuition assessment purposes. This is required by Kentucky Administrative Regulation (KAR) 13 2:045.

You do not need to complete this application if your permanent residence is in Kentucky. This form is only required for applicants who must appeal their residency status.

Residency Application

Contact Enrollment Services

Office of Enrollment Services

121 E. Second St.
Morehead, KY 40351

PHONE: 606-783-2000
PHONE: 800-585-6781
FAX: 606-783-5038

Parking Information