Eagle Essentials
Students who don't have adequate food and essential items can't perform as well academically. When students struggle with these issues, Eagle Essentials can help. It provides students everyday items at no cost, including non-perishable food, hygiene products, and school supplies. It's located at 212 ADUC.
Available Items
- Food: macaroni & cheese, ramen noodles, fruit cups, canned food
- Hygiene Products: toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, feminine products, shampoo, soap
- School Supplies: pens, pencils, highlighters, notebooks, folders, notecards
Any MSU student with an Eagle Card ID can access MSU’s Food and toiletry pantry. All items are free of charge, with no questions asked.
- Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
MSU students may stop by anytime during hours of operation to pick up food and toiletry items.
If you would like to donate items to Eagle Essentials, please do so during hours of operation. Monetary donations, gift cards, and non-perishable food and toiletry items are accepted. We cannot accept items that are outdated or require laundry service. Payroll deduction is available for all faculty and staff who want to donate.
For questions or emergency access to Eagle Essentials outside of operational hours, Melisa Patrick, m.patrick@moreheadstate.edu, 606-783-2154 and Chloe Marstiller, cmarstiller@moreheadstate.edu, 606-783-2668.
Most used items:
- boxed and canned food are the most popular
- macaroni and cheese
- rice
- instant mashed potatoes
- peanut butter
- jelly
- Jell-o
- pudding
- granola bars
- fruit cups
- canned tuna
- canned chicken
- Pop-tarts
- cereal
- applesauce
- popcorn
- ravioli
- spaghetti and meatballs
- soap and body wash
- shampoo and conditioner
- deodorant
- shaving cream
- razors
- toothbrush
- toothpaste
- mouthwash
- floss
- lotion
- wipes
- feminine products
- paper
- notebooks
- folders
- pens and pencils
- highlighters
- markers
- notecards
- gloves
- toboggans
- umbrellas
- Food, hygiene products, and school supplies may be donated at 206 ADUC. Monetary donations may be made via the Campus Campaign (designated "Eagle Essentials Store Fund Account #1232").
- MSU employees - if you would like to donate via payroll deduction, you may do so by designating your gift to "Eagle Essentials Store Fund Account #1232."
Food, hygiene products, and school supplies may be donated at 203 Ginger Hall, our satellite location. In-person monetary donations still need to be made at the 212 ADUC location.
Contact Us
Eagle Essentials
Melisa Patrick
212 ADUC
Morehead, KY 40351
EMAIL: m.patrick@moreheadstate.edu
PHONE: 606-783-2154