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Professional Development & Training

Human Resources is pleased to provide e-learning courses and online training programs to employees at no cost. We, in the Office of Human Resources, encourage all faculty and staff members to participate in some or all of the programs offered.

For training on Title IX/Campus SaVE Act or Preventing Workplace Harassment, follow the instructions below.

Morehead State University believes in an environment free of harassment. MSU intends to ensure all responsible employees understand how to recognize, respond, and report workplace harassment. Training is required for all employees of MSU.

Follow these instructions to enroll in the EduRisk Learning Portal:​

  • First-time users should select "Registration."
  • Enter your first name and last name.
  • Enter a valid email address (preferably your MSU email).
  • If you know your MSU ID number (m0000000), enter it into "Optional Field 1."
  • After clicking Register, you should receive an email with a temporary password.
  • Follow the link in the email to sign in.
  • You will be prompted to enter a new password when first signing in.
  • Once you have access to the training, you will complete the course assigned to you: "Mosaic: Prevent Discrimination and Harassment: Faculty & Staff."

Contact Human Resources

Human Resources

301 Howell-McDowell
Morehead, KY 40351

EMAIL: humanresources
PHONE: 606-783-2097

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