PG-2 Payroll Classification Categories
Policy: PG-2
Subject: Payroll Classification Categories
Approval Date: 07/01/85
Revision Date: 08/08/19
Last Revision Date: 08/08/19; 08/09/2024
To define the general payroll classification categories used for faculty and staff members.
Each regular faculty and staff member of the University is classified in one of the following categories.
Academic--Those individuals whose primary responsibility is teaching and who are qualified for the titles of Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, Visiting Assistant Professor, Senior Instructor, Instructor, or Lecturer (See PAc-1). Designation in this category is the responsibility of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs.
Administrative--Those individuals whose primary responsibility is the administration of the institution or an academic or institution-wide nonacademic unit or function of major scope. It includes the President; those with the titles of Vice President, Dean, and Associate Dean/Department Chair; and others designated by the President including, but not limited to, Directors and assistants to the President.
Staff Exempt--Those individuals whose primary responsibilities are the performance of professional, administrative, and supervisory work as defined by the Fair Labor Standards Act. Designation in this category is the responsibility of the Director of Human Resources.
Staff Nonexempt--Those individuals who perform technical, paraprofessional, secretarial, clerical, service, maintenance, and/or skilled trades work and who are designated as nonexempt under the Fair Labor Standards Act. Designation in this category is the responsibility of the Director of Human Resources.
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