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PG-4 Contracts for Services

Policy: PG-4
Subject: Contracts for Services
Approval Date: 07/01/85
Revision Date: 03/26/87; 08/08/19
Last Review Date: 08/08/19


To define the uses of contracts.


The University uses contract forms for appointments in the academic and administrative classification categories. Contracts are not used for other appointments. Letters of offer (or other means) are used for appointments for other categories of employees.


A contract is provided upon first employment in a Full-time Standing Appointment in either the academic and/or administrative category. With the exception of Fixed-Term appointments and Full-time Standing appointments for administrative personnel as defined by PG 3, only one contract form is executed for an individual. 


Subsequent changes in conditions of employment for individuals such as a promotion in rank, the granting of tenure, an increase in salary, and so forth are accomplished by letter. A schedule of dates for issuing letters of continuing employment shall be published by December 1. 


Contracts are written for the first appointment and for each subsequent appointment of an individual appointed on a fixed-term basis. 


Contracts for Services forms are used in accordance with this policy:

Full-time Standing Appointment - This form is used for: (1) individuals in the Administrative category who have direct responsibility for academic units such as Deans and Associate Deans/Department Chairs (see PG-2 and 3), (2) individuals in the Administrative category who are not directly responsible for an academic unit and who are not granted regular academic rank (see PG-2 and 3), and (3) those classified as academic who meet the requirements of Standing I Appointments (see PG-2 and 3).

  • Full-time Fixed Appointment - This form is used for all classifications of faculty and staff members who meet the requirements of Full-time Fixed appointments (see PG-2 and 3). Full-time Visiting Assistant Professors with university benefits shall be categorized under this appointment.
  • Visiting Appointment (not eligible for benefits) - This form is used for those classified as academic who do not meet the definition of regular employment (see PG-2 and 3).
  • Supplementary Appointment - This form is used to extend the time or the duties of a Full-time Fixed or a Standing Appointment for faculty beyond the terms of the current contract. For staff members this form is used to extend the time or duties beyond the job description (see PG 3).

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