Background Check & Drug Screening
Morehead State University Imaging Sciences programs have partnered with CastleBranch, one of the top ten background check and compliance management companies in the nation to provide you a secure account to manage your time-sensitive school and clinical requirements. The student will be responsible for creating an account with and purchasing the requirement package from CastleBranch. After the student completes the order process and creates an account, they can log in to their account to monitor order status, view results, respond to alerts, and complete program requirements.
Morehead State University - Imaging Sciences includes the following package contents:
- County Criminal
- Nationwide Healthcare Fraud And Abuse Scan
- Drug Test
- Nationwide Patriot Act
- Nationwide Record Indicator Alias with SOI
- Social Security Alert
- Residency History
- CB Bridges Subscription
- Medical Document Manager CRR
- Package Cost: $144
Contact Information
Imaging Sciences
210 D Center for Health, Education & Research
Morehead, KY 40351
PHONE: 606-783-2180