English, B.A.

Prepare yourself for a variety of career paths with our English program.
Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
4 Years
What You'll Learn in the English program
Our English program provides an in-depth study of literature and the great authors that have shaped it throughout history. You'll also take classes to improve your writing skills in prose, poetry and other areas.
What You Can Do with an English degree
Our program prepares you for graduate school, or to enter a career in fields where strong reading and writing skills are valued, including law, technical writing and the arts.
Admission to the English program
To enroll in the program, you must be accepted to study at MSU.
More Information
Courses & Info
View Academic CatalogDept. of English & Modern Languages
Learn moreContact Us
Department of English & Modern Languages
111 Breckinridge Hall
Morehead, KY 40351
EMAIL: english@moreheadstate.edu
PHONE: 606-783-9448