Spanish, B.A.

Learn to speak Spanish and teach others to do so.
Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
4 Years
What You'll Learn in the Spanish program
Engage in Spanish language, culture and literature as you learn to speak, read and understand Spanish. You'll also have the opportunity to participate in numerous exciting study abroad opportunities. If you choose the teacher certification option, you gain skills that prepare you to teach Spanish in Kentucky schools.
What You Can Do with a Spanish degree
The teaching option certifies you to teach Spanish at all grade levels in Kentucky schools. The Spanish B.A. prepares you for careers in fields where language skills are valued, including business and commerce, government work, tourism, social services and more.
What makes MSU's Program different
Our students engage in hands-on learning through tutoring in local schools, service-learning courses and activities, translation projects and Internships using knowledge of a second language.
Admission to the Spanish program
To enroll in the Spanish program, you must be accepted to MSU.
Placement Testing
It is strongly recommended that you complete a placement examination in Spanish if you have studied the language previously and intend to continue your studies at MSU. For information about placement tests, please speak with anyone who teaches languages, or with Dr. Philip Krummrich at or 783-2726.
Note: Those who begin in a more advanced class will have the opportunity to earn credit by examination for the classes they do not need to take.
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View Academic CatalogDepartment of Communication, Media, Art & Design
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Department of English & Modern Languages
111 Breckinridge Hall
Morehead, KY 40351
PHONE: 606-783-9448