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Apply to Grad School

Applying to Graduate School at Morehead State University is easy! Just take the following steps:

  • Locate your program of choice. You may view individual program requirements and application deadlines in the graduate catalog.
  • Create an application account.
  • Pay the required one-time, non-refundable $30 application processing fee.
  • View graduate school requirements.
  • Make arrangements to have all program admission requirements submitted to the Graduate School. We cannot accept transcript(s) from students or transcripts that are stamped "issued to students." Information about what is required and how to submit documentation will be emailed after you submit your application.
  • If you have previously completed a bachelor's or master's degree at Morehead State University, you do not need to submit transcripts.
  • International student information can be found here.
  • If you are applying as a Visiting Student (a student who has been admitted to a graduate program at another institution), please apply and request an official transcript(s) or Letter of Good Standing directly from the university you are visiting. 
  • If you are applying to the Early Graduate School, as a Morehead State University undergraduate student, you must have completed 90 or more credit hours with an overall GPA of 3.0 toward completing the baccalaureate degree. Guidelines are located on the Early Graduate School site.
  • View types of admission.

All admission documentation should be sent to: 

Graduate School
Morehead State University
150 University Blvd.
701 Ginger Hall
Morehead, KY 40351

Do you have questions about Graduate School admission? Michelle Emrick is the graduate school admissions specialist. You can contact her at or 606-783-5204.

Contact the Graduate School

701 Ginger Hall
Morehead, KY 40351

PHONE: 800-585-6781
PHONE: 606-783-2039
FAX: 606-783-5061