Listed below are the Greek Letter Organizations affiliated with Morehead State University and in good standing with the University:
IFC Fraternities
Alpha Sigma Phi - Alpha Sig - ΑΣΦ
National Site | @AlphaSigMoreSt |
President - Trey Lambert
Delta Tau Delta - Delt - ΔΤΔ
National Site/> @DTD_ZZ | @dtd_zz
President - Cameron Gibson
Kappa Sigma - Kappa Sig - ΚΣ
National Site | @KappaSigNuTheta |
President - Kyle Tyler
Sigma Alpha Epsilon - SAE - ΣΑΕ
National Site | @SAE_KyGamma |
President - Caleb Spears
Sigma Phi Epsilon - Sig Ep - ΣΦΕ
National Site | Local Site | @MSU_SigEp |
President - Garrison Ratliff
Sigma Pi - Sig Pi - ΣΠ
National Site | @moreheadsigmapi |
President - Trenton Parsons
Tau Kappa Epsilon TKE - ΤΚΕ
National Site | @tke_moreheadstate
President - Chaze Gulley
NPHC Fraternities
Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. - Sigma - ΦΒΣ
National Site | @aan_sigmasmsu|
President - Marcus Dixon
NPHC Sororities
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. - AKA - ΑΚΑ
National Site | @etarho_aka |
President - Hope Keeylen
Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Inc. - ΖΦΒ
National Site | @deltapi_zetas
President - Tyanna Reid
Panhellenic Sororities
Chi Omega - Chi O - ΧΩ
National Site | Local Site | @moreheadchio |
@moreheadchio |
President - Grace Stubblefield
Delta Gamma - DG - ΔΓ
National Site | Local Site | @MoreheadStateDG |
President - Brooklyn Hurtt
Delta Zeta - DZ - ΔΖ
National Site | Local Site | @DZ_KappaTau |
@deltazetamoreheadstate |
President - Carmen Vazquez
Gamma Phi Beta - G Phi, Gamma Phi - ΓΦΒ
National Site | Local Site | @GPhiB_MSU |
President - Tess Combs
Kappa Delta - KD - ΚΔ
National Site | Local Site | @KD_DeltaTau |
@msukappadelta | VSCO: @msu-kappdelta
President - Chynah Thompson
Contact Fraternity & Sorority Life
Chloe Marstiller, Fraternity and Sorority Life Coordinator
213 ADUC
Morehead, KY 40351
PHONE: 606-783-2668
FAX: 606-783-5023