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Social Media Guidelines

There are many ways to stay connected to Morehead State through social media for news, events, deadlines and information. If your department or office is going to use social media, you must follow these guidelines.

All MSU social media:

  • Abide by all MSU policies and procedures. 
  • Understand the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
  • Update your social media account at least once a week or more
  • All topics should be relevant to your specific purpose. Do not share your personal thoughts on a topic. You represent MSU and your department/organization, not you as an individual. 
  • Must include a link to our social media disclaimer on your site.
  • Participate in training with the Office of Communications and Marketing. 
  • Must sign a user agreement, and submit it to the Office of Communications and Marketing (OCM).


  • Must be a business page, and not a person page. Person pages are for individuals, fan pages are for brands, organizations, groups, offices. 
  • Fan pages are for departments, offices, or organizations. Not for individual majors or events. Individual majors or events can be promoted through the department’s page.
  • OCM must approve the page before it is created. 
  • Facebook pages are tied to your personal Facebook account for permissions and roles. 
  • Include the official University email address for the department, group, or office associated. 
  • Include a link to your department's website:
  • The page needs to have a personalized URL approved by OCM before publishing. (Example: 
  • Include a link to the MSU social media disclaimer policy on page.
  • Must be monitored and posting new content regularly.
  • Communications and Marketing can provide a cover and profile graphic. Submit your request here.


  • Participate in training with OCM.
  • Use profile and cover images created by OCM. 
  • Must identify as an official MSU page. The title should be the name of the department/unit, with Morehead State or MSU preceding. Twitter handles are short - we recommend MSU_NAME, please consult with OCM when selecting a handle.
  • Must post at least once a week.
  • Twitter and Instagram are not tied to personal accounts. They should be set up using MSU email addresses for the office/department. For the sustainability of the account, access (username, email address, and password) must be shared by at least two people in a unit (one can be a student). You must use an MSU email address and not an individual email account. (Example: If you need an office email account, please contact the IT Help Desk at 783-4357.

Youtube, Flickr, Blog, LinkedIn:

  • Must identify as an official MSU page. The title should be the name of the department/unit, with Morehead State or MSU preceding.
  • OCM must approve the page before it is created. 
  • If the social media is not tied to a personal account for management (like Facebook), you must use an MSU email address and not an individual email account. (Example: If you need an office email account, please contact the IT Help Desk at 783-4357.
  • Include the official University email address for the department, group, or office associated.
  • Include a link to the MSU social media disclaimer policy
  • Must include a link to your office/department's website 
  • Must be monitored regularly.

Contact Us

Office of Communications & Marketing

134 Third St.

Morehead, KY 40351

PHONE: 606-783-9328
FAX: 606-783-5056

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