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International Travel Insurance

The Office of Environmental Health & Safety (EHS) is partnered with CHUBB to provide a comprehensive health insurance plan during travels overseas. All MSU faculty, staff and students traveling abroad under the auspices of Morehead State University are required to purchase the supplemental travel insurance administered by EHS for the duration of all international trips.

All travelers should maintain primary health insurance coverage while abroad. The travel insurance offered by EHS is a supplemental policy.

A form for student travel participants is provided below. Participants must fill out the form completely and submit to the trip sponsor/coordinator.

Trip sponsors/coordinators must complete a Travel Insurance Enrollment Form (TIEF) and return it to EHS, along with payment, at least two weeks prior to departure.

Upon receiving a TIEF and payment, EHS will enroll participants in the iNext policy. Once enrolled, participants will receive an email confirmation from iNext with a username and password allowing them to log into the iNext online portal. The portal will allow enrolled participants to print a copy of their insurance card, purchase additional coverage for personal travel, review policy information, obtain a customizable consulate letter (if needed for visa purposes) and review safety related travel resources.

Study abroad students must submit a TIEF to EHS consistent with pre-departure forms deadline and instructions.

Additional information is available by contacting the Office of Environmental Health & Safety at 606-783-2179.

Contact EHS

Environmental Health & Safety

113 Combs Building
Morehead, KY 40351

PHONE: 606-783-2179
FAX: 606-783-2359