Staff Congress Constitution
In order to create a stronger bond within the staff, to promote cooperation among the administration, faculty, students, and staff of Morehead State University, we, the staff of this university, do establish a representative body to be known as the Staff Congress. The Staff Congress is established as an advisory body reporting to the University's chief executive officer. Further, we pledge to administer faithfully the policies and objectives which best fulfill the needs, concerns, and interests of the University in achieving its educational goals.
This Organization shall be known as the Morehead Staff University Staff Congress.
The Morehead State University Staff Congress is responsible for eliciting and expressing opinions, suggestions, and recommendations of the staff on all matters of concern to them. The Staff Congress will be responsible for continual review of University policies, documents, and decisions affecting staff and may make recommendations concerning these matters when appropriate, to the University administration. The Staff Congress may request appropriate information necessary to discharge its responsibilities. The Staff Congress may seek representation on appropriate University Standing Committees, in the development and implementation of policies and procedures, and in all aspects of University operations that affect staff.
The Staff Congress represents staff employees at the University. A staff employee is defined in the Personnel Policy Manual, PG - 2, items 3 and 4, which states:
- 3. Staff Exempt – Those individuals whose primary responsibilities are the performance of professional, administrative, and supervisory work. Designation in this category is the responsibility of the Director of Human Resources.
- 4. Staff Nonexempt – Those individuals who perform technical, paraprofessional, secretarial, clerical, service, maintenance, and/or skilled trades work and who are designated as nonexempt. Designation in this category is the responsibility of the Director of Human Resources.
Staff employment categories and representation are further defined in the Bylaws.
Section 1. The Staff Congress consists of Representatives who are eligible staff members and who were elected by eligible staff members of the respective category. The date and manner of election shall be determined in the Bylaws of the Staff Congress.
Section 2. The total membership of the Staff Congress shall consist of not more than thirty Representatives.
Section 3. Each regular full-time University staff member is eligible to vote and to seek election.
Section 4. Representatives shall be elected for a term of three years excluding the first election. Terms for the first election are defined in the Bylaws. Each Representative may retain his/her Congress seat until an election has been conducted to elect a successor, and the successor has been seated.
Section 5. Each Representative has one vote and may not vote by proxy.
Section 6. Any Representative may be removed from the Staff Congress for cause, as defined in the Bylaws, by a two-thirds vote of his/her constituency.
Section 1. Officers. The Staff Congress shall elect three officers from its membership: Chair, Vice-Chair, and Secretary of the Morehead State University Staff Congress.
Section 2. Eligibility. Each member elected to the Staff Congress is eligible for election to the officers described in Section 1 of this Article, and only elected members of the Staff Congress may nominate and cast ballots in the election of any officer.
Section 3. Duties. The officers described in Section 1 of this Article shall perform those duties as defined in the Bylaws of the Staff Congress and such other duties as are designated by the Staff Congress.
Section 4. Term of Office. Officers of the Staff Congress shall serve for a term of one year in the manner defined in the Bylaws. Each officer remains in office until an election has been conducted to elect a successor and the successor has been seated.
Section 5. Limitation. No Representative shall hold more than one office at any time. No Representative may serve more than two complete, successive terms in the same office. Partial year terms due to vacancies are not included in this limitation.
Section 6. Removal from Office. Any officer may be removed from office for cause as defined in the Bylaws and by approval of two-thirds vote of the Staff Congress members.
The Staff Congress shall meet at least monthly at a convenient time and day as defined in the Bylaws of the Staff Congress.
Standing committees of the Staff Congress shall be defined in the Bylaws.
A quorum for conducting business at meetings shall be a majority of the Staff Congress members.
Section 1. The Staff Congress shall be governed by procedures contained in Robert's Rules of Order, latest edition, in the consideration of all matters properly referred.
Section 2. Any conflict between the source cited in Section 1 of this Article and Constitution and Bylaws of the Staff Congress shall be resolved in favor of the Constitution first and Bylaws second.
Section 3. Where necessary and proper, interpretation and application of governing procedures outlined in the source cited in Section 1 of the Article shall be the responsibility of the Staff Congress Parliamentarian who is appointed by the Chair of the Staff Congress.
Section 1. The Staff Congress has the power to enact Bylaws to implement the provisions of this Constitution.
Section 2. A proposal to amend or change the Bylaws shall be signed by five Representatives of the Staff Congress and shall require approval by two-thirds of the membership of the Congress.
Section 3. Any proposal to amend or change this Constitution shall be signed five Representatives of the Staff Congress or twenty-five percent of the staff.
Section 4. Proposals to amend or change this Constitution of the Bylaws must be submitted to the Secretary of the Staff Congress for placement on the agenda of the next regular meeting of the Staff Congress at least two weeks prior to said meeting.
Section 5. First consideration of a proposal to amend or change this Constitution or the Bylaws shall be voted on at a regular meeting of the Staff Congress. If the proposal receives approval by two-thirds of those Representatives present and voting, it shall be placed on the agenda of the next regular meeting for final consideration.
Section 6. Final consideration of a proposal to amend or change this Constitution shall require approval of two-thirds of the Staff Congress Representative, and approval of the President and the Board of Regents of Morehead State University.
Section 7. Final consideration of a proposal to amend or change the Bylaws shall require approval of two-thirds of those Representatives present and voting.
This constitution shall be ratified upon approval by a simple majority of the staff in a special meeting called for the purpose of ratifying this Constitution and upon approval of the President and Board of Regents of Morehead State University.
As Revised September 8, 1997
As revised November 5, 2018
Contact Staff Congress
Jamey Carver, President
186 Academic-Athletic Center
Morehead, KY 40351
PHONE: 606-783-2086