Staff Congress
The Staff Congress is an advisory body reporting to the University's chief executive officer intended to create a stronger bond within the staff to promote cooperation among the administration, faculty, students, and staff of Morehead State University. Members of Staff Congress pledge to administer faithfully the policies and objectives which best fulfill the needs, concerns, and interests of the University in achieving its educational goals.

Staff Salutes
We have served generations of students and families through education to improve their lives, careers and communities. Our continued purpose is to provide students with personal support, and we take pride in who and where we are. Staff members nominated for salutes are recognized monthly at Staff Congress meetings.
Recognize a staff memberBylaws
Staff Congress abides by the bylaws that are reviewed annually.
Representatives serve on one of three committees for the advancement of staff.
The constitution outlines the purpose & guidelines for Staff Congress.
Minutes Archive
The University keeps an archive of all Staff Congress meetings.
View the elected members of Staff Congress.
Staff Regent & Election Information
Learn more about elections & the Staff Regent position.
2024-25 Meeting Schedule
- Location: ADUC 329
- Recurrence: Occurs the first Tuesday of every month, 11 a.m. to noon.
Areas of Geographic Representation
CHER Building, Enrollment Services Building, Howell-McDowell Adm. Bldg., Kentucky Traditional Music Center, Kentucky Folk Art Center, University Farm/Vet Tech.
ADUC, Allie Young Hall, Button Hall, Camden-Carroll Library, Combs Building, Fields Hall, Lappin Hall, Lloyd Cassity, Reed Hall, Third St. Eats.
Alumni Tower, Claypool-Young Art Building, Ginger Hall, Rader Hall, Recreation & Wellness Center, Space Science Center.
Baird Music Hall, Breckinridge Hall, Grote-Thompson Hall, Laughlin/Wetherby, Procurement Services, Rice Maintenance Building.
AAC, Eagle Center/Wellness Center, Eagle Trace, Educational Services Building, Ashland SBDC, Montgomery Co. Adult Ed Center, MSU @ Ashland, MSU @ Mt. Sterling, MSU @ Prestonsburg, Power Plant, All other off-campus locations.
Staff Questions & Concerns
This form is designed to help facilitate two-way communication between staff and university leadership with respect to institutional issues. Staff Congress’ role in this process is to relay questions from staff to the appropriate parties.
Contact Staff Congress
Jamey Carver, President
186 Academic-Athletic Center
Morehead, KY 40351
EMAIL: j.carver@moreheadstate.edu
PHONE: 606-783-2086