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- Kentucky Center for Traditional Music
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- Music, Theatre & Dance
Welcome to the Eagle Battalion
MSU Army ROTC has been a commissioning source for the United States Army for over half a century. Located in Button Auditorium, Army ROTC turns college students into military officers through a combination of classroom instruction, physical fitness training, training exercises and special events. Each semester, Cadets participate in events ranging from early morning runs and marches to fundraising for the annual Cadet Military Ball. There is always a need for motivated individuals to come out and take part.
Every year, the graduating seniors receive not only a college degree but a commission as a Second Lieutenant in the United States Army. The lead-up to that day provides no shortage of training events to introduce Cadets to the community they will one day enter:
- Army Ten Miler: Held every year in Washington, D.C., participating Cadets will run alongside and compete with other ROTC programs from around the country, as well as active military, National Guard, reserves, civilians and veterans from around the world.
- Ranger Challenge: Each school from the Brigade will select its top cadets to fill out its Ranger Challenge Team. The teams will compete for top honors in rucking, weapons familiarity and military field craft.
"Morehead State’s greatest attribute is that it fosters relationships. The hallmark of my years at MSU has not been one experience or event, but rather the people I shared them with."

Jack Leith ('24)
Jack graduated as a 2nd Lt. in the Army through MSU's ROTC program. A native of Ironton, Ohio, he majored in Biomedical Sciences.

Contact Information
Department of Military Science
150 University Blvd.
Morehead, KY 40351
EMAIL: msurotc@moreheadstate.edu
PHONE: 606-783-2050
FAX: 606-783-5053