Tonight's Sky
If you want to stargaze in Morehead, use this chart to determine the best times to view the night sky. The chart illustrates cloud cover, light pollution and other factors that affect stars' visibility.

How do I read the sky chart?
Read the image from left to right. Each column represents a different hour. The colors of the blocks are based on forecast maps for that hour. The two numbers at the top of a column are the time. A digit 1 on top of a 3 means 13:00 or 1 p.m. It's local time, in 24-hour format. Blue blocks represent times when conditions will be optimal for stargazing.
Sky chart provided by
Contact Information
Star Theater
Ronald G. Eaglin Space Science Center
235 Martindale Dr.
Morehead, KY 40351
PHONE: 606-783-9593