Theatre, B.A.

Learn acting, production, costuming and other skills of the stage.
Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
4 Years
What You'll Learn in the theatre program
You can pursue a career in acting or production for theatre, television and film, or teach theatre to children with our theatre teaching certification option. You will learn in-demand skills like speaking, writing, working with others, thinking critically, and being professional. You can also decide to continue your education in graduate school.
- Actor/Actress
- Costume Designer
- Drama Teacher
- Lighting Designer
- Playwright
- Set Designer
- Stage Manager
- Theatre Critic/Reviewer
- Theatre Director
- Theatre Producer
- Florida Repertory Theatre, Rainbow Factory (Belfast, Northern Ireland)
- Freelance Careers on Broadway, Professional Theatres around the US and Hollywood
- Lexington Children’s Theatre
- Stage Door Manor (New York)
- The Leeds Theatre
Admission to the theatre program
You must be accepted to study at MSU to enroll in the program.
In addition, you must apply for and be accepted into the theatre program. Admission to MSU does not guarantee acceptance into the theatre program.
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View Academic CatalogDepartment of Music, Theatre & Dance
Learn MoreContact Information
Music, Theatre and Dance
106 Baird Music Hall
Morehead, KY 40351
PHONE: 606-783-2473
FAX: 606-783-5447