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Music Education, B.M.E.


Get certified to teach general, instrumental and vocal music in Ky P-12 schools.


Bachelor of Music Education






4 Years

Course Requirements

What you’ll learn in the BME program

You’ll be equipped with the knowledge and skills to be a professional music teacher in Kentucky public and private schools for students of all ages, P-12. The BME program meets the requirements for the Integrated Music P-12 initial certificate, the Kentucky license to teach general, instrumental and vocal music. You will learn in-demand skills like speaking, writing, working with others, thinking critically, and being professional. You can also decide to continue your education in graduate school.

Explore More 



  • Band Director 
  • Choir Director 
  • Music Curriculum Developer 
  • Music Education Consultant 
  • Music Education Supervisor/Administrator 
  • Music Educator in Private Schools 
  • Music Therapist  
  • Music Teacher (P-12) 
  • Orchestra Director 
  • Private Music Instructor 

  • Boyd County Schools 
  • Fayette County Public Schools (KY) 
  • Hartzell Propeller, Inc. 
  • Jefferson County Public Schools 
  • The University of Virginia's College at Wise 

What makes morehead state's program different

Our degree options allow you to customize your degree to your instrument of choice. You can specialize in keyboard, percussion, voice or woodwinds/brasswinds, and you’ll receive personal instruction that will make you a master of your instrument.

Admission to the BME Program

  1. Unconditional admission to Morehead State University - MSU admission requirements.
  2. Admission to MSU Music—Apply for admission to MSU Music Programs

Additional Music Admission Requirements

Visit our application page for information about how to apply for music programs and to learn more about audition requirements.

B.M.E. Mission Statement

The Bachelor of Music Education provides students with intensive training in performance, analysis, history, theory, and pedagogical skills in both music and education. Students in this program generally plan to teach in public schools. The BME program meets the requirements for the Integrated Music P-12 initial certification, the Kentucky license to teach general, instrumental, and vocal music, primary through 12th grade. This program particularly serves the MSU mission of educating students for success and serving communities to improve the quality of life.

Morehead State University's Music program is accredited through the National Association of Schools of Music.

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Contact Information

Music, Theatre and Dance

106 Baird Music Hall
Morehead, KY 40351

PHONE: 606-783-2473
FAX: 606-783-5447