Student Resources
You can find information about organizational memberships, research funding, employment resources, etc.
Tab Information
Memberships in professional organizations offer students valuable networking opportunities and pathways to internships and other learning resources.
Morehead State University is an enhanced institutional Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR) member. All MSU faculty, staff, and students are eligible for individual membership – this is not automatic. You must sign up. This will be free for you.
Why should I sign up for CUR membership?
- Student & Mentor resources
- Competitive awards and funding
- Networking with others in your discipline
- CUR Community – discussion forum (Student Journals, Job Board, etc.)
- Online access to Scholarship and Practice of Undergraduate Research Journal
CUR also hosts awards, the National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR), and more.
To sign up for membership, you can visit CUR’s Membership Activation page. Fill out the form on the page. Make sure to choose Morehead State as your member institution.
You can join any of the following divisions:
- Arts & Humanities
- At-Large
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Education
- Engineering
- Geosciences
- Health Sciences
- Mathematical, Computing, & Statistical Sciences
- Physics & Astronomy
- Psychology
- Social Sciences
- Undergraduate Research Programs
The Kentucky Academy of Science (KAS) is Kentucky’s statewide scientific society, with over 4,000 members. Its mission is to foster scientific discovery and understanding in Kentucky. KAS offers resources (workshops, grants, etc.) to students and faculty. Its annual meeting, where students can present their work, is held in November.
MSU offers free membership to students and faculty.
Why are presentations and publications important?
- Enhances communication skills
- Builds professional experience
- Expands networking opportunities
- Encourages deeper engagement
- Boosts credibility and recognition
- Demonstrates research impact
Presenting and publishing your research can be a significant advantage if you're considering graduate school. These experiences show that you can do independent work, clearly explain your ideas, and participate in academic discussions. They also help you build confidence, improve your skills, and make your application stand out.
Present Research

Are you looking for other presentation or publication opportunities?
Visit our Opportunities for Students page.
What can the Coordinator of Undergraduate Research help you with?
- Helping students begin the process of finding a mentor
- Navigating the URF application process
- Organizing workshops and training, resources, and one-on-one guidance for a variety of topics related to research and creative inquiry
- Helping students search for non-MSU research opportunities, such as REUs
- Presentation preparation – Celebration of Student Scholarship, Posters-at-the-Capitol, or regional/national meetings
- And much more!
If you would like to schedule an appointment with the Coordinator of Undergraduate Research, please email
Research Funding
Find CUR student resources.
CUR offers various scholarships and funding throughout the year. These opportunities are competitive and vary in amount and purpose. Occasionally, these opportunities will be on CUR's Calendar of Events—browse by division (for example, Biology Division, Social Sciences Division, etc.).
This scholarship offers financial support for an internship, service learning, research, or education abroad experiences. This is what it will fund for undergraduate research:
- Equipment or software
- Materials/supplies
- Travel costs related to engaging in the hands-on experience
Kentucky Commercialization Ventures’s GOAL (Growth, Opportunity, and Learning) Fund program helps faculty, staff, or students from the KCV-supported institutions fund participation in conferences or continued learning events. The goal is to provide an opportunity for KCV innovators to promote their idea, technology, or startup company in an environment that promotes the spirit of innovation for the Commonwealth of Kentucky.
The Coordinator of Undergraduate Research has a small travel fund for students presenting at conferences. This works on a first-come, first-serve basis. Just email the Coordinator of Undergraduate Research or with the following information:
- Name of Conference
- Mentor
- Cost of total travel and registration
- What funding you have so far
Find information about employee time entry, the University's Institutional Review Board (IRB) and information about research poster printing.
Each discipline has their own standards, but to have a poster printed through our Document Services, there's some things to consider. See the library's guide to Creating Effective Scholarly Posters.
The proper training and IRB approval must be completed before research using human or animal participants commences. To learn more about CITI training, IACUC, and IRB approval, visit the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs website.
Use the My.Moreheadstate portal to enter your time. Visit the Information Technology website for instructions.
Career Events
Contact Us
Alexis Mathews
Coordinator of Undergraduate Research
Camden-Carroll Library
Morehead, KY 40351
PHONE: 606-783-2229