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Research involvement allows students to learn career skills as they work with a faculty mentor to solve problems and create innovative solutions. At MSU, students can engage in research as early as their first year.

The Council on Undergraduate Research defines undergraduate research as a “mentored investigation or creative inquiry conducted by undergraduates that seek to make a scholarly or artistic contribution to knowledge."


This hands-on, outside-the-classroom experience helps students build technical skills, written and oral communication skills, and critical thinking skills. Students attend conferences to network with professionals, present their research, publish their research, and build their resumes.

What is research?

Research systematically investigates a specific topic by collecting and analyzing data to gain new knowledge and understanding. It often involves formulating a hypothesis, designing a study, gathering information, and interpreting results to contribute to a field of study or discipline—a structured approach to exploring and answering questions about the world around us.

There are many types of research, but two common types are:

  • Applied research focuses on solving real-world problems by finding answers to specific questions. For example, improving agricultural crop production, treating or curing specific diseases, etc.
  • Basic research expands knowledge by seeking answers to universal, theoretical questions. For example, what are protons? Or how did the universe begin?

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What does creative inquiry mean? 

Creative inquiry is the process of exploring issues, objects or works through collecting and analyzing evidence. It includes combining or synthesizing existing ideas, products, or expertise in original ways to answer an open-ended question or to achieve a desired goal. There needs to be a measurable, tangible impact.

Research and creative inquiry will look different depending on your goals and disciplines:

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*All these contribute new knowledge to your fields if presented, published, or performed. 

Think about this, you could be:

  • Observing something interesting and trying to understand and/or explain
  • Identifying a need/challenge/opportunity and finding ways to solve it
  • Posing an idea or question to pursue an answer

Note: Classroom maintenance, office work, lab staffing, and assistance with classes/teaching are not considered research or creative inquiry.

“Participating in undergraduate research has allowed me to foster skills in communication, writing, and researching that I will use in my future career as a teacher.”

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Gwen Akers

Undergraduate Research Fellowship

Engage in research as early as your first year.

Interest Form

Interested in being engaged in research, but aren’t sure where to start? Fill out our interest form. The Coordinator of Undergraduate Research will reach out once the form has been completed and submitted.

Interest Form


Social Media Spotlight

Have research experience? Want to be featured in the Center’s social media as part of our URF Spotlight? 

Social Media Spotlight Form

Career Events



Contact Us

Alexis Mathews

Coordinator of Undergraduate Research
Camden-Carroll Library
Morehead, KY 40351


PHONE: 606-783-2229