John Holbrook
Mr. Holbrook is the business manager-financial secretary-treasurer of the Tri-State Building and Construction Trades Council, covering 32 counties in Eastern Kentucky, South Central Ohio, and
Southern West Virginia. He represents 14 International Unions with 52 Locals and over 25,000 members.
Prior to being elected to his most recent position with the Building Trades, he served as the Business Manager (3 years) and Business Agent-FST (13 years) for the Plumbers and Steamfitters Local 248 located in Ashland, KY, where he is a 31-year member.
Holbrook serves on several Boards in the area, including the FIVCO Area Development District, the TENCO Workforce Development Board, the Ashland Alliance, and the Ashland Area Labor Council.
Holbrook graduated from MSU with a B.A. in Education, majoring in physical education and minoring in health education with a teaching certificate. He and his wife, Sandy, an MSU graduate and the principal at Elliott County High School, reside in Sandy Hook, KY. His term ends in 2029.
Contact the Board
Meredith Reeves, Secretary
305 Howell-McDowell Building
Morehead, KY 40351
PHONE: 606-783-2053