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Art & Design Community Collaboration and Outreach

Art education faculty and students share their time, skills and creativity by teaching art to students enrolled in the Bluegrass Discovery Academy, a Rowan County Alternative School. To learn more about the BDA, contact Susan Hawkins, Instructor of Art Education at 606-783-2548 or

The Eastern Kentucky Arts Project (EKAP) affords students the opportunity to help strengthen Eastern Kentucky communities by providing information on the region’s arts-related resources. Students engage in a range of service learning activities, such as interviewing regional artists, creating graphic design materials for non-profits related to the arts, researching regional art history, and designing and helping maintain the EKAP website and EKAP Facebook page. For more information contact Joy Gritton, professor of art history, at or 606-783-2762.

Many students and faculty participate yearly in the Empty Bowls project to benefit area sites, providing food to those in need. Ceramics students create bowls that are sold through this fundraiser.

Art and design faculty and students have collaborated for more than two decades with the Gateway Regional Arts Center (GRAC) to present the Mt. Sterling MSU Juried Art Student Exhibition. Held in one of the three main galleries at GRAC each year, the exhibition features two and three-dimensional art and design created by students at all class levels. Jordan Campbell, Executive Director of GRAC, says, “This exhibition offers students a professional gallery experience seen by thousands of visitors to our facility from around the country. We often sell student work, and many of the participants have gone on to work full-time at our arts facility.” For more information, contact MSU’s Golding-Yang Gallery Director Mike Bowen at or 606-783-2766. To learn more about the Gateway Regional Arts Center, visit

Faculty participate in the MSU Summer Arts Academy, a week-long residence opportunity for high school students to experience music, theatre, dance, art and design, and creative writing instruction on campus.

Contact Us

Department of Communication, Media, Art & Design

211A Claypool-Young Art Building
Morehead, KY 40351

PHONE: 606-783-2766
FAX: 606-783-2457