Faculty Resources
Faculty may apply to teach summer, spring or winter programs offered by KIIS and CCSA through those programs. MSU faculty can also develop their own MSU summer, winter or spring programs through existing courses for credit.
Contact Dr. Jason M. Adkins, coordinator of education abroad, at jm.adkins@moreheadstate.edu or 606-783-2144 for guidance on where to begin, help developing an itinerary and budget, and potential locations.
Faculty Requirements
Interested faculty must submit an initial proposal, a syllabus with an itinerary and contact hours for each activity, and a budget worksheet.
Program Guidelines
- At least two faculty from different disciplines
- Minimum of 12 students
- Courses must be Level UP
- Avoid duplicating CCSA and KIIS programs
- 3-4 spring break and 1-2 Maymester/summer/winter term programs
Important Links
- Faculty-Led Education Abroad Proposal
- Budget Spreadsheet
- Education Abroad Handbook
- Faculty Roles and Responsibilities
- Incident Reporting Form
- Student Constant Supervision Plan (for student travelers under the age of 18)
- Passport Information (How to apply, cost, etc.)
- State Department Smart Traveler Enrollment Form (STEP)
Contact Education Abroad
Dr. Jason M. Adkins
Education Abroad Coordinator/Instructor
Camden-Carroll Library
Morehead, KY 40351
EMAIL: jm.adkins@moreheadstate.edu
PHONE: 606-783-2044