Level UP
Gain a competitive edge with career-oriented courses, faculty mentoring, and hands-on experience.
Experience Your Future
With Level UP, you can start preparing for life after graduation from the moment you arrive at Morehead State.
Choose specially designed courses that combine core concepts from your major with an added focus on career skills—oral communication, written communication, professionalism, critical thinking, and teamwork. Then develop your skills through research, education abroad, service learning, or internships.
Level UP courses are open to all students who want to gain a competitive edge.

Why Level UP?
This program will help you stand out when applying for jobs and graduate school and give you hands-on experience in your major and key career skills.
See what students and faculty have to say about the Level UP program.
Watch VideoLevel UP Courses
Learn how to find and enroll in a Level UP course—they're open to everyone.
- Click "Advanced Search."
- Filter by Course Type of "Level UP" and the career skill most interests you.

Level UP Info for Faculty
Is your course a good candidate for Level UP? Learn how to identify and build a Level UP section.
Contact Level UP
Dr. Tim O'Brien & Megan Boone - Level UP Co-chairs
150 University Blvd.
Morehead, KY
EMAIL: levelup@moreheadstate.edu
PHONE: 606-783-2233