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Education Abroad Scholarships

Various scholarships are available for education abroad, including from federal, state, and MSU sources. Application info is available below. Pay close attention to application requirements and deadlines, as those vary for each scholarship. If you have any questions, please email

The Gilman scholarship is a competitive scholarship awarded twice per year. Awards are up to $5,000 (typically $3,000 for spring break and up to $5,000 for longer experiences). Students must write three short essays asking for a personal statement, community impact that will build mutual understanding, and community impact related to service opportunities you would participate in your community after your education abroad experience. Deadlines are typically in early October and March for trips the following semester/term. Applicants must receive a Pell Grant to be eligible.

Additional funds are also available for those studying in STEM fields or a critical needs language. Visit the Gilman scholarship website for more info. Each fall and spring, a workshop and a Blackboard will help students through the application process.

The Gilman-McCain scholarship provides $5,000 awards to dependents of active-duty U.S. military forces or reserve forces on active duty. Students must also be eligible for federal financial aid. Deadlines are in August and October of each year. The application process is the same as the Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship.

MSU students receiving the George M. Luckey, Jr. Honors Scholarship can receive $1,500 to cover the cost of an Education Abroad experience. Programs must be at least 3 weeks long and include a Level UP component. Honors students can email Dr. Phillip Krummrich for more information.

The Fund for Education Abroad provides funding opportunities for various education abroad programs. It is a privately run scholarship program that provides a one-stop shop for scholarships to various education abroad providers. There are typically two application periods during the year.

The study abroad fund provides scholarships of varying amounts to assist with education abroad course fees at MSU. Applicants must be full-time undergraduate students, have junior or senior classification, carry a cumulative GPA of at least a 3.0, be Pell Grant-eligible, and be participating in an MSU faculty-led abroad program. Applicants are also required to apply for the Gilman Scholarship to be eligible (October deadline if planning to apply for a scholarship to assist with a spring break program). Funding is available for upcoming programs only; applications are considered on a rolling basis. Apply early, as applications will be considered only until funds are exhausted for the academic year. The application deadline is November 1.

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This is a need-based scholarship for students majoring in programs based in the Caudill College of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences. Please refer to the college website for which majors qualify. The scholarship is available to graduate or undergraduate students. Undergraduate students must receive a Pell Grant, and graduate students must show financial need. Students must use the scholarship on an MSU faculty-led education abroad program. One scholarship of $1,000 will be awarded per academic year. The application deadline is November 1.

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The scholarship is for students majoring in Spanish, English, or philosophy. Applicants must have a 3.0 cumulative GPA to be eligible and must use the scholarship on an MSU faculty-led program or scholarship by a consortium partner (CCSA or KIIS). One scholarship of $1,000 will be awarded per academic year. The deadline is December 1.

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Federal financial aid, such as Pell Grants, federal student loans, KEES, state College Access Grants, and TEACH grants, can fund education abroad experiences. Once you select a program, the education abroad coordinator can provide you with a budget sheet to take to the MSU financial aid office to see available options. It is important to contact the education abroad coordinator early in the fall semester to discuss your options.

Contact Education Abroad

Dr. Jason M. Adkins

Education Abroad Coordinator/Instructor
Camden-Carroll Library
Morehead, KY 40351

PHONE: 606-783-2044