Info for Alumni
The Center can help find a job or internship, build job-search skills, and more. We offer services for alumni to help you with your career and to help connect our students with alumni who could provide internships or employment.
Career & Internship Fair
Alumni are welcome to attend our biannual Career & Internship Fairs - as job seekers or as employers looking for employees.
Eagle CareerNet
Search for jobs or post jobs through Eagle CareerNet.
We can help you prepare for job interviews so you're ready to impress.
Resume Help
Need help with a resume? We can help.
Connect with others in your field.
Career Guide
Your guide to career planning, resume and interviewing preparation, and finding a job or internship.
Suit Bank
The Center offers free professional clothing for MSU students and alumni. Stop by, try the clothes you like, then take them with you. Anything you take is yours to keep!
Donations of new or gently used items are welcome.
Contact Us

Center for Career Development & Experiential Education
Ground floor, Camden-Carroll Library
150 University Blvd.
Morehead, KY 40351
PHONE: 606-783-2233